Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography in Galician language.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.Galician language speakers Internet users can now access Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography page, with the synopsis of each of her books published to date, in their language.

We are grateful to Doctor Zenteno for the facilities provided and to the Galician language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for translating this page into the language of Eduardo Pondal.

Website’s team “In body and soul“.
Wednesday, December 1st 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

Bibliografía da Doutora Viviana Zenteno (Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography).
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Katia’s clinical case in Galician language.

Katia’s clinical case in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.We would like to inform you that internet users using Galician tongue can read the clinical case of Katia, led by Doctor Viviana Zenteno, in their own language.

We are once again grateful to Doctor Zenteno for allowing us to reproduce her case on our website, both in the original Spanish language and in its translations, as well as to the Galician Language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for the translation of this case in the language of Rosalia de Castro.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Sunday, October 31 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

Katia. Caso Clínico (Katia. A clinical case).
Mércores, 1 de Outubro de 2014. Terapeuta: Doutora Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45) comprende nesta regresión o motivo dunha renuncia amorosa. Anos atrás ela era libre, mais el non, e era unha figura pública.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview by Mary Arsenault with Doctor Michael Newton in Basque language.

Interview by Mary Arsenault with Doctor Michael Newton in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We would like to inform you of the translation of the interview given by Doctor Michael Newton and conducted by Mary Arsenault, published in the Wisdom magazine, being now available to all Internet users in Basque language.

We are grateful for the translation work of Iraide López de Gereñu, who translated the original English interview text into the Basque language. From the highly recommended work of Doctor Michael Newton (1931-2016), we would like to highlight the exhaustive description he obtained from his patients’ witnesses of the period between two lives.

«In body and soul» website team.
Wednesday, September 29th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Basque language:

Adimena: Mary Arsenault-ek Michael Newton doktoreari egindako elkarrizketa (The Mind: An interview with Doctor Michael Newton, by Mary Arsenault).
2004ko abenduaren 1an.
1994an, ezagutzen dugun bizitza, hemen zergatik gauden eta azkenean nora goazen aztoratzen gaituzten galdera guztiekin amaitu zen Michael Newton doktoreak Arimaren Bidaiak (Journey of Souls) argitalpenean. Liburu honetan (…).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

A misscarriage witness. German language texted infographic.

A misscarriage witness. German language texted infographic.

Animated German flag.We have available to German-speaking Internet users the page which includes the text of the infographic of a patient who had lost her baby while pregnant due to an accident.

This is a case of Spiritual Possession Therapy (TPE) illustrated by this infographic, which shows the aura of the person being treated and an embedded entity at the time of capturing the image. In this case, thanks to both the graphic document and the patient’s account, the therapist may have a much more accurate picture of the situation which increases the chances for the case resolution.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Thursday, September 23 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the available page in German language:

Fall einer Fehlgeburt. Therapie der Geisterbesessenheit (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«Die BEG (Bioelektrographie) bezieht sich auf eine 35-jährige Frau, die aufgrund eines Unfalls nach 3 Monaten Schwangerschaft eine Fehlgeburt hatte. Diese Frau war von Angst und Schuldgefühl befallen, da der Unfall durch ihre Unvorsichtigkeit verursacht worden war. Die BEG wurde während der Regressionssitzung erstellt, genau in dem Moment, als die Patientin folgendes ausdrückte: „In diesem Moment fühle ich, dass das Baby in meinem Kopf ist“ (…)».
Abbildung der BEG: Raúl Torres. Aus dem Buch von Doktor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Therapie der Geisterbesessenheit. Technik und klinische Praxis). Verlag Índigo. Seite 397.

Amy’s Witness in German language.

Amy’s Witness in German language.

Animated German flag.We have translated into German language Amy’s Witness (Zeugnisaussage von Amy) from Doctor Michael Newton in the Appointments and testimonials section of our website (Termine und Zeugen).

We recall that this case describes the suicide of a patient in her previous life as the result of the fear of becoming a single mother in the Victorian England. The patient sees, in the period between two lives, different alternatives to her decision, some of them better than the one she foresaw as the unique and more painful. We thank Nina Piulats for translating the heading text.

Website’s team «In body and soul».
Wednesday, September 1st of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

The link to the page where the German translation can be found is:

Zeugnisaussage von Amy. Fall von Selbstmord und die Bibliothek der Bücher über das Leben (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books).
Nachfolgend, die Geschichte einer der Patientinnen von Doktor Michael Newton, hier Amy genannt. Amy belebt ein vergangenes Leben wieder; in diesem Leben begeht sie Selbstmord, ist ledig und schwanger, und verliert ihren Lebenspartner in einem Unfall im viktorianischen England. Ihre Seele stagniert um die ca. 100 Jahre, in denen sie sich über ihre Taten besinnt, bis sie Zugang zu der Bibliothek der Bücher des Lebens hat. Dort tritt sie in Kontakt mit der Seele einer der Bibliothekaren, ein Meister und Experte, welcher ihr auf ihrem sprirituellen Weg weiter hilft (…).
Doktor Michael Newton. Die Abenteuer der Seelen. Neue Fallstudien zum Leben zwischen den Leben. Seiten 145 bis 150.
Übersetzung der Überschrift: Nina Piulats.

Evelyn’s Evidence by Doctor Brian Weiss in Esperanto.

Evelyn’s Evidence by Doctor Brian Weiss in Esperanto.

Animated Esperanto flag.We inform you that we already have the Esperanto translation of the so-called Evelyn’s Evidence, by Doctor Brian Weiss.

This translation is a tribute to those people who uphold sharing the use a language which is not exclusive to any one country, but belongs to all, so that all the human beings on planet Earth understand each other, leaving the remaining vernacular languages on the same level, so that no language nor culture be above or below any other.

There are some other authors, like David Topí, who maintains that there exists another language with similar features being used beyond the limited boundaries of our planet, and that he calls Irdin. If this hypothesis were confirmed, it would be a demonstration that the project on which Esperanto is based is a wonderful idea, which would finally have been successful, even if with another instrument.

The page which has been translated is a call to respect groups different from ours. In this case, the respect towards other ethnic groups and nations, a lesson which can be applied to any relationship among groups with different conditions.

Associació Catalana d’Esperanto-Kataluna Esperanto Asocio (Catalan Esperanto Association). Logo.We are grateful again to Alfons Tur García, who has made possible the translation of this text into the international language created by Doctor Ludwik Zamenhof. We also thank the Associació Catalana d’Esperanto-Kataluna Esperanto Asocio (Catalan Esperanto Association) for their valuable help.

Team of the En cos i anima web site.
Friday, 6th August 2021.
Translation of this presentation into English by Loto Perrella.

You find here the link to the interview in Esperanto:

Respekti la alikondiĉajn individuojn. La atesto de Evelyn (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Tiu ĉi kazo de D-ro Brian Weiss apartenas al paciento kiu prenas la nomon Evelyn, kie evidentiĝas la neceso lerni respekti la homojn kiuj apartenas al alies aro.
D-ro Brian Weiss. Same Soul, Many Bodies (Multaj korpoj, unu animo).
Tradukis: Alfons Tur Garcia.

Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for La Nación in Galician.

Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for La Nación in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We would like to inform you that we have available to Galician-speaking Internet users the translation into this language of the interview granted to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by the Argentine newspaper La Nación. Each available interview is accessible from the Interviews section in each of the existing languages on our website.

La Nación. Logo.In this text, Doctor Cabouli tells how he decided to abandon body surgery and move on to what he calls soul surgery. It was later that he perfected his technique, both in the Past Lives Therapy (PLT) and in the Spiritual Possession Therapy (SPT), a fact which has been reflected in the evolution of his literature.

We are grateful to Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which expands our knowledge of this reality in the language of Eduardo Pondal.

Website’s Team «In body and soul».
Sunday, August 1st 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Here follows the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «Quixen ser un cirurxián de almas» (José Luis Cabouli: «I wanted to be a soul surgeon»).
Por Luís Aubele. Entrevista publicada no diario «La Nación», Buenos Aires, 22-03-2009.
«Que fun antes de ser José Luís?», comezou a preguntarse cando tiña 8 anos. O curioso é que daquela nunca tiña ouvido falar de reencarnación; non só non sabía o que era, senón que nin sequera coñecía a palabra. «Só uns anos máis tarde, entre os 15 e os 16, souben de que se trataba. Así e todo, tiveron que pasar 20 anos máis, cando xa era un cirurxián plástico con anos de exercicio, para que entendese que a reencarnación podía ter unha finalidade terapéutica», lembra José Luís Cabouli, médico e terapeuta especializado en Terapia de Vidas Pasadas (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss, in Esperanto

Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss, in Esperanto

Animated Esperanto flag.We make known to internauts that we have now available in Esperanto the document titled Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss.

This document is the result of the research made by Doctor Brian Weiss after he helped his first patient, Catherine, to solve a trauma of her soul’s past, with the Past Lives Therapy.

Doctor Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof.Doctor Weiss wonders how is it possible that he had to admit the reality of reincarnation to be able to help this patient to heal, while the established dogmas of the three main monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) do not accept officially this reality.

We are grateful to Alfons Tur García, who is the author of the translation of the text into the international language designed by Doctor Ludwik Zamenhof.

Team of the website “En cos i ànima.
Saturday, 17th July 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Hereafter the link to the interview available in Esperanto:

Survoje al ekkompreno pere de la sperto (Understanding through experience).
La D-ro en psikiatrio Brian Weiss rakontas pri siaj komencaj enketoj en la traserĉo de referencoj pri la reenkarniĝo post la unuaj paŝoj en la tekniko de terapio de Pasintaj Vivoj (…).
D-ro Brian Weiss. Throug Time into Healing (Tra la tempo en la kuracado).
Tradukis: Alfons Tur García.

Interview to Doctor José Luis Cabouli, granted to La Verdad in Galician

Interview to Doctor José Luis Cabouli, granted to La Verdad in Galician

Animated Galician flag.Galician internauts have now available the interview which Dr. José Luis Cabouli granted to La Verdad.

In this interview we learn that often there are cases of souls of brothers who died and are trying to come back and be born to the same parents.

We are grateful to Pr. Vicenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which makes it possible for this page to be available in Galician.

Team of the website “En cos i anima”.
Friday, 16th July 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Find here the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «Hai casos de xente coa alma de irmáns mortos» (José Luis Cabouli: «There are cases of people who have the soul of a dead brother»).
La Verdad (A Verdade). Venres, 25 de maio de 2012.
O experto utiliza unha técnica de regresión a vidas pasadas para resolver conflitos e problemas psicolóxicos dos seus pacientes (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by El Periódico de Catalunya in Galician

Interview to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by El Periódico de Catalunya in Galician

Animated Galician flag.Galician internauts have now available in Galician the interview made by El Periódico de Catalunya to Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

In this interview Doctor Cabouli applies the metaphor, according to which we are the drivers of a car who change their vehicle in every incarnation.

We thank Professor Vincenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which increases the availability of pages in this language in our website.

The team of the “In body and soul” website.
Friday, July 9th, 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Find here the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «A alma é o chofer; o corpo, o vehículo» (José Luis Cabouli: «The soul is the driver, the body the vehicle»).
El Periódico de Catalunya (O Xornal de Catalunya). Mércores, 8 de outubro de 2008.
José Luís Cabouli practica a Terapia das Vidas Pasadas. É médico e cirurxián da alma. Asume que existe a reencarnación e traballa con pacientes que arrastran traumas doutras vidas (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.