How does PLT fights emotional blockage?

How does PLT fights emotional blockage?

Phobias, fears, anxiety, depression, blockages, feelings of guilt, emotional or material failures, behavioral disorders, sexual disorders?

All of these and other diseases labeled as psychosomatic can be treated with Past Life Therapy (PLT).

If when faced with a certain situation, an uncontrollable emotional reaction takes over without us being able to control it, it is due to the fact that at an unconscious level our conscious mind is letting go of an experience that was reactivated by analogy with the present situation. These emotions have strong bodily reactions: feelings of suffocation, muscle tension, anxiety, chest tightness, stomach ache, among other symptoms.

Many of the difficulties and emotional conflicts in our lives, as well as physical pain, have their origin in traumatic or painful experiences. These experiences can originate in the womb, childhood, or past existences and are kept in the subconscious mind and become activated when faced with similar situations, unleashing inexplicable and unwanted behaviors, or manifesting as commands that govern our lives.

«PLT allows the unconscious to become conscious and thus release unwanted physical symptoms and behaviors».

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

PLT's Basic Online Course. 6th edition. 5-6-7 February 2021.

Auld Lang Syne, farewell but not forever…

Auld Lang Syne, farewell but not forever…

Diwali holiday lights. Prits Gosal. Pinterest.On these days of the Diwaly’s lights festival celebration, I would like to share with you what could be a new breakthrough after thorough examination by honest professionals with scientific vocation and conscious spirituality.

After asking different physicians about the possible origin of Alzheimer, the answers suggested that in some cases it could be due to a separation conflict, a loss, or a painful family secret. We must point out that separation does not necessarily cause illness, neither are all these illness cases the result of separation. Considering the longer life expectancy of women, we are all aware of the case of an elder widowed woman attending the funeral of her husband. The suffering resulting from this separation can be so acute that, in order to face it, her body develops a biological programme of progressive oblivion. Additionally, the progressive physical disability of the woman results in an extra burden for the family members and for society.

The documentary «Morir de día» («Die in the day») portrays the arrival of the heroine in Barcelona in the 70s.I once attended a special broadcast of the documentary Morir de dia (Dying during the day), a film by Laia Manresa and Sergi Díes, based on an original idea of Joaquin Jordà, which exposes how heroin spread in Barcelona in the decade of the 70’s of the 20th century and the havoc this drug produced among society. One of the characters, with the alias Pau Malvido, was one of the victims of this addiction. Among the attending public, there was a brother of his, a well known politician, ill with Alzheimer, who witnessed the first minutes of the film. The film served as a tribute for the loss of a person that could have been the cause of the emotional distress suffered by the politician brother.

What is it that makes a person feel such unbearable pain upon experiencing the loss of a beloved one? Probably, it is the belief that death is a final and eternal separation. That the loss has no solution.

Reading the works of those practicing Past Lives Therapy (PLT), as well as the description of some cases of people who have been on the threshold between life and death, we know that the soul is eternal and that the body is just what we leave behind. Some patients can recall the deaths in some of their previous lives and what takes place in the period between lives. When the soul of the deceased moves towards the light, it is often welcomed into the spiritual dimension by the souls of those who have been relatives or acquaintances before its death. And not only that, disembodied souls can meet again and put in common their respective experiences and prepare for a new possible incarnation.

If that widow had known that the soul of her deceased partner could be waiting for her in the afterlife, she would regard the separation as only physical and temporary. This approach would encourage her to overcome the situation avoiding to become at the same time a burden for her social environment. A higher spiritual consciousness could be a good preventive measure on these separation cases that could eventually lead to an Alzheimer disease.

Brauli Tamarit Tamarit.
First version: Saturday, 14th November 2020.
Last modification: Wednesday, 25th November 2020.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.
Correction: Loto Perrella Estellés.