Understanding through experience by Dr. Brian Weiss in Roumanian.

Understanding through experience by Dr. Brian Weiss in Roumanian.

Animated Romanian flag.We inform you that Doctor Brian Weiss’ writing Understanding through experience is already available in Roumanian. We are thankful for this translation to Govor Marian Cosmin.

Team of the “In body and soul” web.
Thursday, December 8, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Roumanian translation:

Înțelegerea prin experiență (Understanding through experience).
Medicul de psihiatrie Brian Weiss povestește cercetările sale inițiale în căutarea referințelor la reîncarnare după primii pași în tehnica terapiei vieții trecute (…)“.
Doctorul Brian Weiss. Through Time into Healing: Discovering the Power of Regression Therapy to Erase Trauma and Transform Mind (De-a lungul timpului: Descoperirea puterii terapiei de regresie pentru a șterge traumele și a transforma mintea, corpul și relațiile).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Understanding through experience in Portuguese.

Understanding through experience in Portuguese.

Animated Portuguese flag.We inform you that the document called Understanding through experience, by Doctor Brian Weiss, is already available in Portuguese. We thank interpreter Marisabel Tropea for her correction help.

Team of the “In body and soulweb.
Thursday, July 28, 2011.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Portuguese text:

A compreensão através da experiência (Understanding through experience).
O Doutor em Psiquiatria Brian Weiss relata suas investigações iniciais em busca de referências sobre a reencarnação após seus primeiros passos com a técnica da terapia de vidas passadas.
Doutor Brian Weiss. O Passado Cura. A Terapia Através de Vidas Passadas. Editora Pergaminho, 1999.
Correção em relação à versão original em inglês: Marisabel Tropea.

700th anniversary of the execution of Gilhem of Belibasta. 1321-2021.

Guilhem de Belibasta: «Al cap de 700 ans verdejera lo laurelh». 1321-2021.

700th anniversary of the execution of Gilhem of Belibasta. 1321-2021.

Sunday, October 24 of 2021 is the most likely date of the 700th anniversary of the execution by the the Catholic Inquisition’s bonfire of the last known historical Cathar, Gilhem de Belibasta, in Vila-Roja de Termenés, Occitania very close to northern Catalonia.

Tradition has it that shortly before his death, Belibasta stated: “After seven hundred years the laurel will blossom.

The religion of good men and good women, perfect or Cathars was characterized by sharing the faith in the Christ of the Roman era and the belief in reincarnation.

Today, some therapists help their patients to heal the wounds of the unconscious which may come from previous lives. These are the practitioners of Past Life Therapy (PLT) and Spiritual Possession Therapy (SPT).

There is a common knowledge shared, among others, by the followers of the Jewish Kabbalah, the Gnostics, some early fathers of the Christian Church, Sufi Muslims, Cathar Christians, and, nowadays, soul therapists. All these collectives have helped us or are helping us to understand that we are souls and that we keep changing our physical body.

We would like to regard this message as a tribute to all those people who, over time and regardless of the community or condition to which they belong, have helped or are helping humanity to better understand and make us evolve in the spiritual reality.

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.