Quotations by scholars in Basque language.

Quotations by scholars in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the page Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars in Basque language (Karma motak, karma kolektiboa, ospea, helburua eta barkamena. Jakintsuen esaerak), which is the excerpt of the work of Doctor Brian Weiss where it explains how during the course of a hypnotic regression to one of his patients, different masters or teachers take the control of the vocal cords of the regressing individual to offer various spiritual lessons to the therapist and thus transmit them to the readers of his work.

Iraide López de Gereñu has provided us with the Basque version of this fragment, which can be consulted in the Appointments and Testimonials section (Hitzorduak eta testigantzak) from among all available languages.

At the beginning of this passage, the soul that speaks through the patient’s vocal cords informs us that just as karma or individual debt exists, so does karma or group debt, at all levels. Every time a human being incarnates, he becomes a part of several groups in the current life (family, nation, ethnicity, planet, etc.). Then, it is time for him to share the debts to be paid by each of these groups in the current incarnation.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Thursday, February 11th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Karma motak, karma kolektiboa, ospea, helburua eta barkamena. Jakintsuen esaerak (Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars).
Regresio hipnotiko sesioak jaso dituzten Brian Weiss medikuaren gaixoen gorputzen bidez, haien arimaren iraganera sar daiteke ez soilik gertaera traumatiko baten bilaketaren bitartez, jakintsu edo irakasle desberdinen arimek izan duten bilaketa espiritualaren bidez ere egin daiteke, terapeuta hauek garapen espiritualean dituen ezagutzak zabalduz.
Brian Weiss medikua. Only Love Is Real (Maitasun loturak). Editorial Vergararen Espainiako paperezko lehen edizioa. 91-93 orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Understanding through experience in Basque language.

Understanding through experience in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the page Understanding through experience (Esperientzia bidezko ulermena), with the excerpt from the work of Doctor Brian Weiss which reflects his research on the acceptance or not of the concept of reincarnation in the western world and Islam, after discovering the Past Lives Therapy (PLT) with Katherine, his first patient in this line of research.

Iraide López de Gereñu has been the creator of the Basque version of this fragment, which can be consulted in the Appointments and Testimonials section (Hitzorduak eta testigantzak) where it has already been published.

Doctor Brian Weiss wonders about how it is possible that within the three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the concept of reincarnation has not been officially accepted, despite being a verifiable reality at individual level in cases where the practice of regressive therapy has resulted into the healing of traumas originated in previous lives. Weiss discovers the hidden reality behind reincarnation advocates who practice these religions. In the case of Christianity we can find among the reincarnation defenders some of the fathers of the church and it is exposed how the Roman political authority prevented the assumption of the concept of reincarnation by establishing which official scriptures were to be.

Website’s Team «In body and soul».
Wednesday, February 10 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Esperientzia bidezko ulermena (Understanding through experience).
Psikiatrian doktorea den Brian Weissek bere lehen ikerketak kontatzen ditu, berrargitaratze erreferentzien bila iraganeko bizitzako terapian oinarritzen den teknikan lehen urratsak eman zituenean.
Brian Weiss. Through Time into Healing (Sendapena denboran zehar igaroz).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Evelyn’s evidence in German language.

Evelyn’s evidence in German language.

Animated German flag.We already have at the disposal of German-speaking Internet users the Evelyn’s evidence caseZeugnisaussage von Evelyn ), in the Appointments and Testimonials sectionTermine und Zeugen ), thanks to the collaboration of Nina Piulats Finger, who has translated the article’s heading and of translator Alexandra Forst, who has corrected both the heading and the main body text of Doctor Brian Weiss’ case himself. We’d like to express our deepest gratitude, which is also reflected on the website’s Thanks section in all the currently available languages .

With this translation, Evelyn’s evidence case is now available in nine out of the ten current available languages of our website. Remember that, apart from the entries appearing in chronological order, this website is made up of pages accessible from the different menu sections. These pages contain the most substantial part of the content of our website. By clicking on each respective flag you will be able to access the version of the page in the selected language, as long as the page is available.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Saturday, February 6 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Access link to the webpage in German language:

Individuen anderer Konditionen respektieren. Zeugnisaussage von Evelyn (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Dieser Fall von Doktor Brian Weiss bezieht sich auf eine Patientin, hier Evelyn genannt, bei dem die Notwendigkeit, fremde Gruppen respektieren zu lernen, deutlich wird.
Doktor Brian Weiss. Seelenwege: Reinkarnation und zukünftige Lebenswege (Same Soul, Many Bodies). Seiten 57 bis 63.
Korrektur: Alexandra Forst. Übersetzung der Überschrift: Nina Piulats.