Cristina’s evidence by Doctor Cabouli in German.

Cristina’s evidence by Doctor Cabouli in German.

German flag animated.We would like to inform you that German speaking Internet users already have at their disposal Cristina’s evidence by Doctor José Luis Cabouli. This is a case chosen by the author concerning a pact with darkness in a past life. Our thanks to the person who provided us with this new version.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Saturday, January 7, 2023.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the German translated webpage:

Christinas Zeugenbericht. Ein Pakt mit der Finsternis (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
Die Patientin, die in dieser Geschichte den Namen Cristina annimmt, leidet an mehreren Blockaden, wenn es darum geht, ihre Ziele in ihrem jetzigen Leben zu verwirklichen. Mit Hilfe des Therapeuten visualisiert sie ein vergangenes Leben, in dem diese Symptome auftraten, als sie ein Mann war, der einen Pakt mit der Finsternis schloss, um Macht und soziale Akzeptanz durch Mitglieder einer Sekte zu erlangen. Cristina kann mit Unterstützung des Therapeuten den Pakt rückgängig machen, der sie begrenzt hat, das begangene Unrecht heilen und die Blockaden lösen, denen sie ausgesetzt war (…)“.
Doktor José Luis Cabouli. Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas: un nuevo paradigma (Seelenfang und Seelenrückholung. Vergangenheitstherapie: Ein neues Paradigma). Kontinent-Ausgaben. Seiten 123 bis 134.

Amy’s Evidence by Doctor Newton and the abortion case by Doctor Cabouli in Esperanto.

Amy’s Evidence by Doctor Newton and the abortion case by Doctor Cabouli in Esperanto.

Flag of Esperanto animated.We inform you that Amy’s Evidence, Doctor Michael Newton’s case, and Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s abortion case are now available in Esperanto. We appreciate the good translation work by the Esperantist Alfons Tur Garcia.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Friday, December 30, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the pages translated into Esperanto:

Atesto de Amy. Kazo de memmortigo kaj paso tra la biblioteko de la Libroj de la Vivo (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books).
En la sekva rakonto paciento de D-ro Michael Newton, ku ĉi tie prenas la nomon Amy, revivas pasintan vivon kiam ŝi memmortigis sin ĉar ŝi troviĝis graveda, needziĝinta kaj perdinta sian koramikon en la viktoriana Anglujo. Ŝia animo stagnas dum cent jaroj dediĉita al pripenso de ŝia ago, ĝis kiam ŝi aliras al iu biblioteko de la Libroj de la Vivo. Tie ŝi stabligas dialogon kun la animoj de unu el la bibliotekistoj, sperta majstro kiu helpas ŝin daŭrigi sian vojon de spirita evoluo (…).
D-ro Michael Newton. Destiny of Souls (Destino de la animoj. Eterna spirita kresko).
Tradukis: Alfons Tur Garcia.

Kazo de aborto. Terapio de spirita posedo (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«BEG (Biolektrografio) korespondas al tridek kivin jaraĝa virino kies trimoneta gravediĝo malsukcesis okaze de akcidento. Tiu virino sentis timon kaj kulpon ĉar la akicidento okazis pro malprudento ŝiaflanke. Tiu BEG estis eltirita dum regresa sesio ĵus en la momento kiam la paciento esprimis la sekvan frazon: “En tiu ĉi momento mi sentas la bebon ene de mia kapo” (…)».
Bildo de BEG: Raúl Torres. El la libro de D-ro José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la Posesión Espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Terapio de spirita posedo. Tekniko kaj klinika praktiko). Eld. Índigo. Paĝ. 397 (hisp. Eldono).
Tradukis: Alfons Tur Garcia.

The “In body and soul” web in Russian.

The “In body and soul” web in Russian.

Animated Russian flag.We inform you that we have created the first pages of the “In body and soul” web in Russian. We are thankful for this translation into the first language with a non-Latin alphabet in our web, carried out by Yana Vinokurova and Mariia Konysheva.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Friday, 16th December 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Links to the translated pages:

Цели (Aims).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Призыв (Call).

Призыв с сайта «Телом и душой» (A call from the «In body and soul» web).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Интервью (Interviews).

Брайан Вайс: «Мы-души, и мы переходим из тела в тело» (Brian Weiss: «We are souls going from one body to the next»).
Каталонская газета «El Periódico de Catalunya», среда 21 января 2009. Мнение. Страница 80.
Интервью с Брайаном Вайсом, психиатром, специализирующимся на регрессивной терапии. В Соединенных Штатах он принял около 4000 пациентов у которых есть воспоминания о прошлых жизнях (…).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Цитаты и отзывы (Appointments and testimonials).

Уважать людей в других условиях. Показания Эвелин (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Этот случай доктора Брайана Вайса относится к пациентке, которую здесь зовут Эвелин, и свидетельствует о необходимости научиться уважать людей, принадлежащих к чужому коллективу (…).
Доктор Брайан Вайс. Same Soul, Many Bodies (Одна и та же Душа, много тел).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Случай немедленной реинкарнации в семейной группе. Терапия прошлых жизней (A case of immediate reincarnation in the family group. Past Lives Therapy).
Леопольдо Лаге, Мерло, Сан-Луис, Аргентина.
Марсела (45 лет) пришла на консультацию с целью избавиться от своей фобии собак. В течение нескольких лет двое ее сыновей, двенадцати и десяти лет, заявляли ей, что хотят завести домашнюю собаку, но Марсела боялась их до такой степени, что не могла гулять одна по своему району, в котором было много дворняг. Она хотела освободиться от этого настолько раздражающего страха, который заставлял ее занимать комичные позиции, когда она натыкалась на какую-нибудь собаку, независимо от ее размера и обстоятельств (…).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Спасибо (Thanks).

Благодарности (Gratefulness).

Orpheus Evidence by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Basque Language.

Orpheus Evidence by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Basque Language.

Animated Basque flag.We have at the disposal of Basque language speakers the Orpheus Evidence, a case of spiritual possession therapy led by Doctor José Luis Cabouli. We appreciate the good translation work carried out by Iraide López de Gereñu.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Basque language:

Orfeoren Testigantza. Jabetza espiritualaren terapia (Orpheus witness. Spiritual possession therapy).
«Hemen Orfeo izena hartzen duen gaixoa, aurreko bizitzan iluntasunarekin egindako ituna gainditu duen saio batetik atera da. Gaurko saioan, terapeutak gaixoarengan sartu ziren gorputzik gabeko entitate ezberdinen agerpena antzematen du, bere aurre egoera aprobetxatuz. Terapeutak antzemandako entitate horietako bakoitzarekin elkarrizketa bat mantentzen du Orfeoren gorputzaren bitartez, hauei Argiaren bidea aurkitzen laguntzen dielarik. Era honetan, bere ostalariak jasaten dituen nahasketatik askatzen dute, hauek ondorengo berargitaratze zikloak berreskura ditzaketelarik (…)».
Jose Luis Cabouli medikua. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Jabetze espiritualaren terapia. Teknika eta praktika klinikoa). Indigo Argitaletxea. 319tik 336ra bitarteko orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Katia’s clinical case in German language.

Katia’s clinical case in German language.

Animated German flag.We would like to inform you that we have available Katia’s Clinical Case, led by Doctor Viviana Zenteno, this time translated into the language of Goethe and Bertolt Brecht.

We thank the person who did the translation work for us for and once more, to the aforementioned therapist for offering the document for reproduction and translation.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Thursday, October 20 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Access link to the german translated page:

Katia. Klinischer Fall (Katia. A clinical case).
Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2014. Therapeutin: Doktor Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45) versteht in dieser Regression den Grund für den Verzicht auf eine Liebe. Vor Jahren war sie frei, aber er war es nicht, und er war eine Persönlichkeit des öffentlichen Lebens.

Bioelectrography of an abortion case in Basque language.

Bioelectrography of an abortion case in Basque language.

Animated Basque flag.We have the translation into Basque of the page showing a commented bioelectrography (BEG), concerning a case of unintentional abortion of one of Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s patients. We thank Iraide López de Gereñu for her translation work.

Team of the “In body and soul web“.
Monday, August 8, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the page in Basque:

Aborto kasua. Jabetza espiritualaren terapia (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«BEG hau (Bioelektrografia), istripu baten ondorioz hiru hilabeteko haurdunaldia galdu zuen hogeita hamabost urteko emakume bati dagokio. Emakumeak beldurra eta erruari hitzegin zuen, istripua bere arduragabekeriagatik izan zelako. BEG erregresio saioan lortu genuen pazienteak honako hau adieraziko zuen unean: “Une honetan haurra nire buruaren barruan dagoela sentitzen dut” (…)».
BEGaren irudia: Raúl Torres. José Luís Cabouli medikuaren liburutik. Jabetze espiritualaren terapia. Teknika eta praktika klinikoa. Indigo argitaletxea. 397. orrialdea.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Amy’s witness in Rumanian.

Amy’s witness in Rumanian.

Animated Romanian flag.We inform you that Amy’s witness, as conducted by Doctor Michael Newton, is already available in Rumanian in the section of Appointments and testimonials. We thank Govor Marian Cosmin for his translation and proofreading.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Thursday, August 4, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Rumanian translation:

Mărturia lui Amy. Caz de sinucidere și trecere prin biblioteca Cărților Vieții (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books).
În povestea următoare, o pacientă a doctorului Michael Newton, care ia aici numele de Amy, retrăiește o viață trecută în care ea se sinucide pentru că este singură, însărcinată și și-a pierdut partenerul într-un accident în Anglia victoriană. Sufletul său rămâne stagnant de aproximativ o sută de ani dedicat reflectării asupra a ceea ce a făcut, până când accesează o bibliotecă a Cărților Vieții. Acolo stabilește un dialog cu sufletul unuia dintre bibliotecari, un profesor expert care o ajută să-și continue drumul de evoluție spirituală (…).
Michael Newton. Destinul Sufletelor. Paginile 92 până la 95.
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Cristina’s evidence in Basque language

Cristina’s evidence in Basque language

Animated Basque flag.This is to let you know that that the Basque readers may now find in their own language Cristina’s Evidence, by Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Remember it is about a patient who found her progress in life was blocked. In her regression she remembers that in a previous life she had been a man who had made a pact with darkness.

Doctor Cabouli’s protocol, carried out together with his patient, helps the breaking off of this bond in order to be able to carry on with one’s life. According to Doctor Cabouli’s evidence, this blockage can be found in a high number of patients. We are grateful to Iraide López de Gereñu for her translation, and to Doctor Cabouli for his help for making available this version of this case.

Team of “In body and soul“.
Saturday, July 2, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link of this case in Basque translation:

Kristinaren Testigantza. Iluntasunarekin itun bat (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
Istorio honetan Kristina izena hartzen duen pazienteak, hainbat blokeo jasaten ditu bere egungo bizitzan bere helburuak bete ahal izateko. Terapeutaren laguntzaz, sintoma hauek sortu zituen iraganeko bizitza bat ikusarazten du, gizon bat izanik, boterea eta onarpen soziala lortu ahal izateko iluntasunarekin ituna egiten zuenean, sekta bateko kide bezala. Kristinak, terapeutak lagundurik, mugatzen duen ituna desegin dezake, egindako okerrak sendatu eta bere bizitza mugatzen zuten blokeoak konponduz.
Jose Luis Cabouli Doktorea.
Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma. Terapia de vidas pasadas: Un nuevo paradigma (Arimaren harrapate bidea eta berreskuraketa. Iraganeko bizitzen terapia: paradigma berri bat). Continente Edizioak. 123tik 134ra bitarteko orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Orpheus evidence, in Galician.

Orpheus evidence, in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We inform that the Orpheus evidence, from Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s book, Therapy of spiritual possession, is already available for the Galician readers.

It is about a patient who, in a previous meeting, had broken a pact with darkness established in a previous life, but still had several entities occupying his ethereal body. Through the joint work of therapist and patient, this one lets his vocal cords so that the entities living inside him may, one after the other, hold a dialogue with the therapist, who informs them of their actual situation, and helps them to go towards light so as to continue their cycle of successive incarnations.

This case was chosen by Doctor Cabouli himself to be published in our website. We are again grateful to Doctor Cabouli for his offer and to Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for the good translation job into Galician.

Team of the In body and soul website.
Wednesday, May 5, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Galician translation:

Testemuño de Orfeo. Terapia de posesión espiritual (Orpheus witness. Spiritual possession therapy).
O paciente que aquí toma o nome de Orfeo saíu dunha sesión onde superou un pacto coa escuridade dunha vida anterior. Na sesión presente o terapeuta detecta a presenza de diferentes entidades desencarnadas que entraron dentro do paciente, aproveitando o seu estado anterior. O terapeuta dialoga con cada unha destas entidades que se manifestan utilizando a voz e as cordas vocais de Orfeo, axudándoas a atopar o camiño da Luz. Deste xeito, liberan o seu hóspede de trastornos e poden volver retomar o ciclo de encarnacións sucesivas.
Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia da posesión espiritual. Técnica e práctica clínica. Edicións Continente. Páxinas 270 a 285.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Cristina’s evidence in Galician.

Cristina’s evidence in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We inform you that those who speak Galician have now at their disposal Cristina’s evidence, from the book «Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma» (Trapping and Recovery of the Soul), by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

In this case a patient is blocked in her improvement in her present life, and she recalls a pact made with Darkness in a past life. It is a relatively frequent situation among Doctor Cabouli’s patients, and for this reason he chose it to be published in our web site. We thank again Doctor Cabouli for his contribution, and Professor of Galician, Vicenzo Reboleiro González for his good translation work.

Team of the web site In body and soul.
Wednesdeay, 6th April 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Galician translation:

Testemuño de Cristina. Un pacto coa escuridade (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
A paciente, que neste relato toma o nome de Cristina, sofre varios bloqueos á hora de poder levar a cabo os seus propósitos na súa vida actual. Coa axuda do terapeuta ela visualiza unha vida pasada onde se xeraron estes síntomas, cando foi un home que establece un pacto coa escuridade para conseguir poder e aceptación social polos membros dunha seita. Cristina, asistida polo terapeuta, pode desfacer o pacto que a limitaba, sanar os males realizados e resolver os bloqueos a que estaba suxeita (…).
Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Atrapamento e recuperación da alma. Terapia de vidas pasadas: Un novo paradigma. Edicións Continente. Páxinas 123 a 134.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.