Doctor Cabouli’s Cosmic Credit and Doctor Weiss’s Quotes from Scholars in Russian.

Doctor Cabouli’s Cosmic Credit and Doctor Weiss’s Quotes from Scholars in Russian.

Animated Russian flag.We would like to inform you that we now have at the disposal of Russian speaking internet users the video The Cosmic Credit of Doctor José Luis Cabouli subtitled in this language, as well as the Quotes from Scholars by Doctor Brian Weiss. We appreciate the good translation work done by Yana Vinokurova and Mariia Konysheva.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Saurday, January 7, 2023.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to documents in Russian language:

Типы кармы, коллективная карма, слава, цель и прощение. Цитаты мудрецов (Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars).
Через тела пациентов доктора Брайана Вайса, подвергшихся гипнотической регрессии, можно получить доступ не только к прошлому их души в поисках травмирующего события, но и к душам разных мудрецов или учителей, которые могут вмешаться, чтобы дать терапевту объяснения о духовной эволюции (…).
Доктор Брайан Вайс. Only Love Is Real (Только любовь реальна).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

«Космический кредит» доктора Хосе Луиса Кабули. Лекция на испанском языке с русскими субтитрами (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Russian subtitles).
«Фрагмент лекции доктора Хосе Луиса Кабули под названием “Жизнь до рождения”, состоявшейся в Многоцелевом зале Солерас (Лас-Гарригес, Каталония) в субботу, 29 августа 2020 года (…)».
Профиль публикации «Odysee»: Animaweb. Лекции на русском языке. Дата публикации в «Odysee»: Воскресенье, 21 августа 2022 г. Продолжительность видео: 3 минуты 33 секунды. Язык: Голос на испанском языке с субтитрами на русском языке.
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

Webinar and Launching of “Regressions Therapy: the King Of Therapies”. June 26, 2021. Biography of Professor Hans Ten Dam

Webinar and Launching of “Regressions Therapy: the King Of Therapies”. June 26, 2021. Biography of Professor Hans Ten Dam

Doctor Ham TenDam, author of books such as: "Deep Healing and Transformation", "Exploring Reincarnation", "The Long View".

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.ón-profunda-y-transformacion/

Form for the inscription to: Regressions Therapy: the King of Therapies:

Webinar and launching by Dr. Hans Ten Dam, author of the book:

Deep healing and transformation. Handbook of Transpersonal Regressive Therapy, translated into Spanish.

Saturday, June 26, 2021:

10 to 12 a.m.: Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Colombia, Peru and Mexico.

12 a.m. to2 p.m.: Chile.

1 to 3 p.m.: Argentina and Brazil.

6 to 8 p.m.: Canary Islands and Portugal.

7 to 9 p.m.: Spain and Italy.

Price: 30.00 USD. 20,000 CLP.

A short biography of Professor Hans Ten Dam.

Hans Ten Dam (1943) studied psychology and education at Amsterdam University. Through several positions of management development he became an independent management consultant, mainly in the strategic management of professional organizations and government agencies.

He started working on regressions through his study of international literature on re-incarnation, which culminated in Ring of Light, later renovated, developed and reprinted as Exploring Reincarnation. He described his experiences with the practice of regression in his Deep Healing and Transformation handbook, whose Spanish version will be introduced from Chile.

Dr. Ten Dam is the creator of the Dutch School of Regressive Therapy and founder of the Tasso Institute and Tasso International (, which gives workshops in Europe and Brazil since 1983.

Dr. Ten Dam is also a member of the Publishing Committee of the Revista Internacional de Terapia de Regresión (International Journal of Regression Therapy,, and Past President of the Asociación Europea de Terapia Regresiva, (Earth Association for Regression Therapy,, founded in 2006 in Frankfurt, which has become a World Association.

Tasso and Earth are instrumental for the world development of the Regressive Therapy field, through publications, talks, undergraduate and post-graduate workshops, independent certification, professional associations, participation in conferences and congresses, carrying on or promoting research and publishing the outcomes.

Together with the Earth Association since 2003 he has organized World Congresses of Regression Therapy (, namely:

1. World Congress in 2003 in the Netherlands;

2. World Congress in 2006 in India;

3. in 2008 in Brazil;

4. in 2011 in Turkey;

5. in 2014 in the Netherlands;

6. in 2017 in India;

7. September 2021(?) in the Netherlands.

Deep Healing and Transformation is an actual Treaty of Transpersonal Regressive Therapy, used in training programmes all over the world. It describes a methodical approach to work which goes beyond traditional psychotherapy, while at the same time it retains a professional attitude. It avoids artificial hypnosis inductions and psychical intrusions, working directly with the client’s experiences, and delivering multiple therapeutic tools.

The book may be bought from (, and (

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