We have launched the website In Body and Soul in Basque language.

We have launched the website In Body and Soul in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that the past friday the 16th of October of 2020 we launched the website «In body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») in Basque language. It has been thanks to the excellent translation job of Iraide López de Gereñu and Fran Olea who have provided the first four pages of our website in euskera. The ikurriña therefore, becomes our website’s tenth flag.

Every people’s soul is its vernacular language. We would like to thank the people who have made possible this goal and encourage our readers to collaborate in increasing the number of translations, either by translating pages into languages ​​in which they are not yet available or by helping us to obtain the already translated reference book citations appearing on the published works of Past Lives Therapy (PLT) practitioners, mentioned for instance, in the section of Appointments and testimonies of our website.

Helping to overcome and prevent the different forms of unresolved human suffering contained in millions of individual incarnated and disembodied souls existing within our planet, and helping each of these souls to achieve and overcome their respective life lessons, is an ambitious task that requires divulgation in the largest possible number of available languages on Earth. This simple website aims to be an introduction to the understanding of this need and we are aware that humanity is still in the infancy of its collective spiritual evolution.

«In Body and Soul» website’s team.
Saturday, 17th of October of 2020.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Next, we like to inform you about the website’s pages now available in bask language:

Helburuak (Aims).
«Enkarnazio edo haragitze bakar bat bizi dugunaren ustea, oso zabalduta dago mundu osoan. Gainera, mendebaldeko zibilizazioetan, bizitza bere berehalakotasunean bizi eta gure ekintzen ondorioak gehiegirik kezkatzen ez gaituen pentsamolde moderno honetan murgilduta gaude (…)».
Web taldea Gorputzez eta arimaz. Lehen bertsioa: 2018ko urtarrilaren 18a, osteguna. Azken aldaketa: 2018ko urtarrilaren 30a, asteartea.
Itzulpena: Fran Olea.

Deia (Call).

«Gorputzez eta arimaz» Webaren deia (A call from the «In body and soul» web).
«Iraganeko Bizitzen Terapiako (IBT) eta Posesio Espiritualeko Terapietako (PET) praktikatzaileak, bakoitzak tratamendu estilo eta aldaera desberdinetatik eta kasu ugariren adierazpenaren bidez, gorputzetik gorputzera goazen arimak garela erakusten digute. Kasu hauen azterketatik berraragitze edo metempsikosia, arimek ikasteko eta hobetzeko duten bide naturala dela ikasten dugu (…)».
Webgunearen taldea Gorputzez eta arimaz. 2020ko urtarrilaren 21a, asteartea.
Itzulpena: Fran Olea.

Elkarrizketak (Interviews).

Brian Weiss: «Arimak gara eta gorputzez gorputz goaz aldatzen» (Brian Weiss: «We are souls going from one body to the next»).
El Periódico de Catalunya. Asteazkena, 2009ko Urtarrilak 21. Eritzia. 80 Orrialdea.
«Brian Weissekin entrebista, Terapia Regresiboan Psikiatra Espezialista. Estatu Batuetan lehengo bizitzen oroitzapena duten 4.000 gaizo inguru artatu ditu (…)».
Gaspar Hernández.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Hitzorduak eta testigantzak (Appointments and testimonials).

Berehalako berraragitze kasua familia gunean. Iraganeko Bizitzaren Terapia (A case of immediate reincarnation in the family group. Past Lives Therapy).
by Leopoldo Lage, Merlo, San Luis, Argentina.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.