Interview with Doctor Cabouli for El Periódico de Catalunya in Basque language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli for El Periódico de Catalunya in Basque language.

Basque flag animated.We would like to inform you that the interview granted by the journalist Gaspar Hernández to Doctor José Luis Cabouli for the El Periódico de Catalunya newspaper, is now available in Basque language. We thank Iraide López de Gereñu for her good translation work.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Basque:

Jose Luis Cabouli: «Arima da gidaria; gorputza, ibilgailua» (José Luis Cabouli: “The soul is the driver, the body the vehicle”).
El Periodico de Catalunya. Asteazkena, 2008ko urriaren 8an.
Jose Luis Caboulik Iraganeko Bizitzen Terapia egiten iarduten du. Sendagilea da eta arimaren zirujaua. Berraragiztatzea badagoela onartzen du eta beste bizitzetan jasandako traumak dituzten pazienteekin egiten du lan (…).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Orpheus Evidence by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Basque Language.

Orpheus Evidence by Doctor José Luis Cabouli in Basque Language.

Animated Basque flag.We have at the disposal of Basque language speakers the Orpheus Evidence, a case of spiritual possession therapy led by Doctor José Luis Cabouli. We appreciate the good translation work carried out by Iraide López de Gereñu.

In body and soul” Website’s team.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Basque language:

Orfeoren Testigantza. Jabetza espiritualaren terapia (Orpheus witness. Spiritual possession therapy).
«Hemen Orfeo izena hartzen duen gaixoa, aurreko bizitzan iluntasunarekin egindako ituna gainditu duen saio batetik atera da. Gaurko saioan, terapeutak gaixoarengan sartu ziren gorputzik gabeko entitate ezberdinen agerpena antzematen du, bere aurre egoera aprobetxatuz. Terapeutak antzemandako entitate horietako bakoitzarekin elkarrizketa bat mantentzen du Orfeoren gorputzaren bitartez, hauei Argiaren bidea aurkitzen laguntzen dielarik. Era honetan, bere ostalariak jasaten dituen nahasketatik askatzen dute, hauek ondorengo berargitaratze zikloak berreskura ditzaketelarik (…)».
Jose Luis Cabouli medikua. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Jabetze espiritualaren terapia. Teknika eta praktika klinikoa). Indigo Argitaletxea. 319tik 336ra bitarteko orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Bioelectrography of an abortion case in Basque language.

Bioelectrography of an abortion case in Basque language.

Animated Basque flag.We have the translation into Basque of the page showing a commented bioelectrography (BEG), concerning a case of unintentional abortion of one of Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s patients. We thank Iraide López de Gereñu for her translation work.

Team of the “In body and soul web“.
Monday, August 8, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the page in Basque:

Aborto kasua. Jabetza espiritualaren terapia (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«BEG hau (Bioelektrografia), istripu baten ondorioz hiru hilabeteko haurdunaldia galdu zuen hogeita hamabost urteko emakume bati dagokio. Emakumeak beldurra eta erruari hitzegin zuen, istripua bere arduragabekeriagatik izan zelako. BEG erregresio saioan lortu genuen pazienteak honako hau adieraziko zuen unean: “Une honetan haurra nire buruaren barruan dagoela sentitzen dut” (…)».
BEGaren irudia: Raúl Torres. José Luís Cabouli medikuaren liburutik. Jabetze espiritualaren terapia. Teknika eta praktika klinikoa. Indigo argitaletxea. 397. orrialdea.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Cristina’s evidence in Basque language

Cristina’s evidence in Basque language

Animated Basque flag.This is to let you know that that the Basque readers may now find in their own language Cristina’s Evidence, by Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Remember it is about a patient who found her progress in life was blocked. In her regression she remembers that in a previous life she had been a man who had made a pact with darkness.

Doctor Cabouli’s protocol, carried out together with his patient, helps the breaking off of this bond in order to be able to carry on with one’s life. According to Doctor Cabouli’s evidence, this blockage can be found in a high number of patients. We are grateful to Iraide López de Gereñu for her translation, and to Doctor Cabouli for his help for making available this version of this case.

Team of “In body and soul“.
Saturday, July 2, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link of this case in Basque translation:

Kristinaren Testigantza. Iluntasunarekin itun bat (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
Istorio honetan Kristina izena hartzen duen pazienteak, hainbat blokeo jasaten ditu bere egungo bizitzan bere helburuak bete ahal izateko. Terapeutaren laguntzaz, sintoma hauek sortu zituen iraganeko bizitza bat ikusarazten du, gizon bat izanik, boterea eta onarpen soziala lortu ahal izateko iluntasunarekin ituna egiten zuenean, sekta bateko kide bezala. Kristinak, terapeutak lagundurik, mugatzen duen ituna desegin dezake, egindako okerrak sendatu eta bere bizitza mugatzen zuten blokeoak konponduz.
Jose Luis Cabouli Doktorea.
Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma. Terapia de vidas pasadas: Un nuevo paradigma (Arimaren harrapate bidea eta berreskuraketa. Iraganeko bizitzen terapia: paradigma berri bat). Continente Edizioak. 123tik 134ra bitarteko orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in Basque language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in Basque language.

Animated Basque flag.Basque language Internet users can already find the interview given to Doctor Cabouli conducted by the journalist Lluís Amiguet in the section La Contra of the newspaper La Vanguardia.

We are grateful to Iraide López de Gereñu for this accurate translation of the first interview given by this soul therapist.

In body and soulwebsites’ team.
Sunday, June 12, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Basque language:

José Luis Cabouli: «Zure egoak ez du egia osoa jasaten» (José Luis Cabouli: “Your ego cannot bear the whole truth”).
La Vanguardia. Larunbata, 2003ko abuztuaren 23an. La Contra.
52 urte ditut. Buenos Airesen jaio nintzen. Zirujau plastikoa nintzen, baina aberasten ez diren horietakoa, eta gaur egun terapeuta erregresiboa naiz. 10 hilabeteko seme bat daukat eta 20 urteko beste seme bat. Bizitza honetan aurreko bizitzetako akatsak garbitzen ditugula uste dut, maitasunez zuzendu behar ditugunak eta trauma izugarriak, non gure kontzientziak gogoratzen dituenean ekidin behar dituenak (…).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Interview by Mary Arsenault with Doctor Michael Newton in Basque language.

Interview by Mary Arsenault with Doctor Michael Newton in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We would like to inform you of the translation of the interview given by Doctor Michael Newton and conducted by Mary Arsenault, published in the Wisdom magazine, being now available to all Internet users in Basque language.

We are grateful for the translation work of Iraide López de Gereñu, who translated the original English interview text into the Basque language. From the highly recommended work of Doctor Michael Newton (1931-2016), we would like to highlight the exhaustive description he obtained from his patients’ witnesses of the period between two lives.

«In body and soul» website team.
Wednesday, September 29th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Basque language:

Adimena: Mary Arsenault-ek Michael Newton doktoreari egindako elkarrizketa (The Mind: An interview with Doctor Michael Newton, by Mary Arsenault).
2004ko abenduaren 1an.
1994an, ezagutzen dugun bizitza, hemen zergatik gauden eta azkenean nora goazen aztoratzen gaituzten galdera guztiekin amaitu zen Michael Newton doktoreak Arimaren Bidaiak (Journey of Souls) argitalpenean. Liburu honetan (…).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Quotations by scholars in Basque language.

Quotations by scholars in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the page Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars in Basque language (Karma motak, karma kolektiboa, ospea, helburua eta barkamena. Jakintsuen esaerak), which is the excerpt of the work of Doctor Brian Weiss where it explains how during the course of a hypnotic regression to one of his patients, different masters or teachers take the control of the vocal cords of the regressing individual to offer various spiritual lessons to the therapist and thus transmit them to the readers of his work.

Iraide López de Gereñu has provided us with the Basque version of this fragment, which can be consulted in the Appointments and Testimonials section (Hitzorduak eta testigantzak) from among all available languages.

At the beginning of this passage, the soul that speaks through the patient’s vocal cords informs us that just as karma or individual debt exists, so does karma or group debt, at all levels. Every time a human being incarnates, he becomes a part of several groups in the current life (family, nation, ethnicity, planet, etc.). Then, it is time for him to share the debts to be paid by each of these groups in the current incarnation.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Thursday, February 11th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Karma motak, karma kolektiboa, ospea, helburua eta barkamena. Jakintsuen esaerak (Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars).
Regresio hipnotiko sesioak jaso dituzten Brian Weiss medikuaren gaixoen gorputzen bidez, haien arimaren iraganera sar daiteke ez soilik gertaera traumatiko baten bilaketaren bitartez, jakintsu edo irakasle desberdinen arimek izan duten bilaketa espiritualaren bidez ere egin daiteke, terapeuta hauek garapen espiritualean dituen ezagutzak zabalduz.
Brian Weiss medikua. Only Love Is Real (Maitasun loturak). Editorial Vergararen Espainiako paperezko lehen edizioa. 91-93 orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Understanding through experience in Basque language.

Understanding through experience in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the page Understanding through experience (Esperientzia bidezko ulermena), with the excerpt from the work of Doctor Brian Weiss which reflects his research on the acceptance or not of the concept of reincarnation in the western world and Islam, after discovering the Past Lives Therapy (PLT) with Katherine, his first patient in this line of research.

Iraide López de Gereñu has been the creator of the Basque version of this fragment, which can be consulted in the Appointments and Testimonials section (Hitzorduak eta testigantzak) where it has already been published.

Doctor Brian Weiss wonders about how it is possible that within the three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the concept of reincarnation has not been officially accepted, despite being a verifiable reality at individual level in cases where the practice of regressive therapy has resulted into the healing of traumas originated in previous lives. Weiss discovers the hidden reality behind reincarnation advocates who practice these religions. In the case of Christianity we can find among the reincarnation defenders some of the fathers of the church and it is exposed how the Roman political authority prevented the assumption of the concept of reincarnation by establishing which official scriptures were to be.

Website’s Team «In body and soul».
Wednesday, February 10 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Esperientzia bidezko ulermena (Understanding through experience).
Psikiatrian doktorea den Brian Weissek bere lehen ikerketak kontatzen ditu, berrargitaratze erreferentzien bila iraganeko bizitzako terapian oinarritzen den teknikan lehen urratsak eman zituenean.
Brian Weiss. Through Time into Healing (Sendapena denboran zehar igaroz).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Amy’s evidence in Basque language.

Amy’s evidence in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the Amy’s evidence case (Amyren testigantza), a case of Doctor Michael Newton published in his book Destiny of Souls (Arimen patua. Betiko hazkunde espiritual bat).

Thanks to Iraide López de Gereñu, we can now dispose of the Basque version of this case accessible from the Appointments and Testimonials section (Hitzorduak eta testigantzak) among the other published languages.

This is the case of a woman who committed suicide being pregnant and unmarried by her boyfriend, who died in an accident. Thanks to the regression carried out in the following life, she became aware that in the period between her two previous lives she had the occasion to access the library of Life Books, where she learned about at least three alternatives she could have chosen before having given up life, two of which were better and more hopeful than the only path she saw as possible back to those days.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Friday, January 29 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Amyren testigantza. Suizidio kasua eta Bizitzako Liburuen Liburutegitik bere pasaera (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books).
Ondorengo istorioan, Michael Newton doktorearen gaixo batek, hemen Amyren izena hartzen duena, bere iraganeko bizitzaren berbizipen bat egiten du, non ere buruaz beste egiten duen, bere burua ezkongabe, haurdun eta bikotekidea Ingalaterra Biktorianoan izandako istripu batean galtzen duelako. Bere arima ehun urtez geldirik geratzen da egin zuenari buruz hausnartzera eskainia, Bizitzako Liburuen liburutegira sartzen den arte. Han, liburuzainetako baten arimarekin elkarrizketa bat zabaltzen du, bilakaera espiritualaren bidea jarraitzen laguntzen dion irakasle aditua denarekin.
Michael Newton medikua. Destiny of Souls (Arimen patua. Betiko hazkunde espiritual bat). 93-100 orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Evelyin’s Evidence in Basque language.

Evelyin’s Evidence in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the Evelyn’s evidence case (Evelynen adierazpena), a case of Doctor Brian Weiss published in his book Same Soul, Many Bodies (Gorputz asko, arima bera) which is perhaps, the most beautiful case published throughout his books and which includes both regressions to the past and progressions to an hypothetical future, which vary according to the patient’s attitude.

Thanks to Iraide López de Gereñu, we can now dispose of the Basque version of this case accessible from the Appointments and Testimonials section among the other published languages

This testimonial helps us understand the consequences of certain types of behaviour. If we hate people belonging to certain groups or categories, then it is likely that in the next life we are born as someone belonging to this very same specific category. Evelyn experiences a series of hypothetical progressions to the future in this sense, until she is capable of freeing herself from the hate and the rage towards those who do not belong to her own kind.

«In body and Soul» website’s Team.
First Version: Thursday, January 14th of 2021.
Last update: Friday, January 15th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Beste baldintzak dituzten pertsonak errespetatu. Evelynen adierazpena (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Kasu honetan Brian Weiss doktorearen gaixo batena da, Evelyn izena duen emakumea, kasu honetan talde desberdin bateko jendea errespetatzen ikasten hasteko beharra agertzen da.
Brian Weiss medikua. Same Soul, Many Bodies (Gorputz asko, arima bera).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.