My first wife, Mariona, had recurring dreams since her childhood. Fifteen years into our marriage, they started to be more frequent. In the morning, she’d say, “I had one of those dreams tonight,” and tell me about it. They were multiple and of a remarkable realism. Furthermore, they had core elements that would place them in surroundings dating back centuries.
In some, she was carrying secret letters through deserted streets, at night and without any lights; she thought they were messages for conspirators because she was hiding. In others, she saw a cathedral crypt with white marble statues. Other nights she saw herself descending a flight of stairs to enter a vast, dark Romanesque church ornamented with extraordinarily rich damasks.
Still, she was in a cloister; or on a pilgrimage on foot along the banks of a river, with donkeys and dressed “in very ancient plain attire”, crossing the river, sleeping in a hollow on the way, passing near a dormant volcano, etc.
Other nights she saw herself going through the streets of a village with ochre-coloured houses, like those of Piedmont or Lombardy. I also remember her mentioning a hermitage devoted to the Holy Trinity, situated in a valley between three hills.
700th anniversary of the execution of Gilhem of Belibasta. 1321-2021.
Sunday, October 24 of 2021 is the most likely date of the 700th anniversary of the execution by the the Catholic Inquisition’s bonfire of the last known historical Cathar, Gilhem de Belibasta, in Vila-Roja de Termenés, Occitania very close to northern Catalonia.
Tradition has it that shortly before his death, Belibasta stated: “After seven hundred years the laurel will blossom.“
The religion of good men and good women, perfect or Cathars was characterized by sharing the faith in the Christ of the Roman era and the belief in reincarnation.
Today, some therapists help their patients to heal the wounds of the unconscious which may come from previous lives. These are the practitioners of Past Life Therapy (PLT) and Spiritual Possession Therapy (SPT).
There is a common knowledge shared, among others, by the followers of the Jewish Kabbalah, the Gnostics, some early fathers of the Christian Church, Sufi Muslims, Cathar Christians, and, nowadays, soul therapists. All these collectives have helped us or are helping us to understand that we are souls and that we keep changing our physical body.
We would like to regard this message as a tribute to all those people who, over time and regardless of the community or condition to which they belong, have helped or are helping humanity to better understand and make us evolve in the spiritual reality.
Understanding through experience and Evelyn’s evidence in Occitanian.
We inform you that the documents Understanding through experience and Evelyn’s Evidence, two pieces from Brian Weiss’ books, are now availablefor Occitanian speaking internauts. Doctor Brian Weiss is a psychiatrist and past lives therapist. The links for both documents are available through the page Appointments and testimonials in each of the languages where they have been translated.
Place dedicated to the Gilhem de Bélibaste Cathar Walk, in Sant Mateu (Baix Maestrat), by Llapisera, CC BY-SA 4.0,
These translations happen on the seven hundredth anniversary of the death of the last known historical member of the Cathar religion, those known as the Good Men and the Good Women, or the Perfect Ones, Gilhem de Belibasta, who died at the stake at Vila-Roja de Termenés, burnt by the Catholic Inquisition. It was in 1321, the day depending on who tells the story, and it could be either August 24 or October 24. Some say that before dying he made the following prophecy: “700 years from now the laurel will blossom”.
Occitania was a nation which lost her integrity and her liberties defending a faith which combined the belief in the Christ of the Roman era and reincarnation. With these translations we wish to help those Occitanians who remember this fact to become aware that at present there are therapists who help their patients to heal the wounds of their subconscious, even those which come from previous lives. This reality is known both by many of the Occitanian forerunners and by these soul therapists.
Besides, the knowledge of the true culture and history of each one of this planet’s nations is a common heritage of the whole of Humankind, which must be safeguarded so that, those who practice the souls therapies may better document the circumstances of the past of the souls of different patients who submit themselves to regression, and of the disembodied souls which occupy other peoples’ bodies and which must be redirected in their path of spiritual evolution.
We thank again Professor Federico Marino for his work and the Cercle d’Agermanament Occitano-Català (C.A.O.C.) – Cercle d’Afrairament Occitanocatalan (C.A.O.C.) [Catalan Occitan Twinning Circle (C.A.O.C.)] for their help.
Team of the “En cos i ànima” web site. Sunday, 15th August 2021. Translation into English of this presentation by Loto Perrella.
The links of the translations into Occitanian are available again at:
A la compreneson per l’experiéncia (Understanding through experience). Lo Doctor en psiquiatria Brian Weiss relata las seiunas investigacions inicialas a la recèrca de referéncias sus la reencarnacion après los sieus primièrs passes en la tecnica de la terapia de vidas passadas. Brian Weiss. Through Time into Healing (A travèrs del temps en la guarison). Traduccion a l’occitan d’aprèp la version anglesa originala: Federico Merino.