Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in German language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in German language.

Animated German flag.German-speaking Internet users can now access the interview that the journalist Lluis Amiguet of La Vanguardia, in the section La Contra, gave to Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

In this interview, the therapist explained to us that regression therapy is performed based on some kind of symptom that could have been triggered by an event that took place in the past of the soul, maybe in a previous life. We are thankful to the translator for the transcription of the interview into German.

Website’s team “In body and Soul“.
Thursday, May 19, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview in German language:

José Luis Cabouli: „Dein Ego kann die ganze Wahrheit nicht ertragen“ (José Luis Cabouli: “Your ego cannot bear the whole truth”).
La Vanguardia. Samstag, 23. August 2003. Die Rückseite.
Ich bin 52 Jahre alt. Ich bin in Buenos Aires geboren. Ich war Schönheitschirurg, aber einer von denen, die nicht reich werden, und heute bin ich Regressionsstherapeut. Ich habe einen 10 Monate alten und einen 20-jährigen Sohn. Ich glaube, dass wir in diesem Leben Fehler aus früheren Leben mit Liebe beseitigen müssen, und von schrecklichen Traumata, an die sich unser Gewissen erinnert, befreien müssen (…).

Interview of newspaper Reforma to Doctor Cabouli in German.

Interview of newspaper Reforma to Doctor Cabouli in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that we already have translated into German the interview granted by Dr. José Luis Cabouli to the Mexican newspaper Reforma.

This interview introduces the reader into the Therapy of Spiritual Possession (TSP), where one or more entities inhabit the ethereal body of a patient during regression. The writing submits a list of possible symptoms of this situation. We give thanks to the person who has done the translation.

Team of the website In body and soul.
Thursday, May 5th, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

Interview mit Doktor José Luis Cabouli in der Zeitung Reforma, Mexiko-Stadt (Interview to Doctor José Luis Cabouli by newspaper Reforma, Mexico DF).
von Natalia Vitela, Mexiko, 26. August 2006.
Haben Sie schon einmal die Erfahrung gemacht, dass derjenige, der denkt, sagt und handelt, nicht Sie sind und von einem fremden Willen motiviert wird? Wenn ja, schließen Sie die Möglichkeit „bessesen“ zu sein nicht aus (…).

Newspaper La Verdad interviews Doctor Cabouli in German.

Newspaper La Verdad interviews Doctor Cabouli in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that we already have available in German the interview made by the Murcia newspaper La Verdad to Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

This interview reminds us of the fact, which is rather common, of a soul trying to be born on several occasions from the same mother, until it gets a successful opportunity. We give our thanks to the translator.

Team of the website In body and soul.
Wednesday, 6th April 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

José Luis Cabouli: „Es gibt Fälle von Menschen mit der Seele verstorbener Brüder“ (José Luis Cabouli: “There are cases of people who have the soul of a dead brother”).
La Verdad (Die Wahrheit). Freitag, 25. Mai 2012.
Der Experte wendet eine Technik der Regression in vergangene Leben an, um Konflikte und psychische Probleme seiner Patienten zu lösen (…)“.

Interview with Doctor Michael Newton by Mary Arsenault in Galician.

Interview with Doctor Michael Newton by Mary Arsenault in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We share with you the interview given by Mary Arsenault to Dr. Michael Newton which was published back at the time in Wisdom Magazine, this time in the language of Castelao.

We thank the Galician language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for translating the text into Galician tongue.

In body and Soulwebsite’s team.
Sunday, January 9 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

A Mente: unha entrevista co Doutor Michael Newton, por Mary Arsenault (The Mind: An interview with Doctor Michael Newton, by Mary Arsenault).
Wisdom Magazine. Mércores, 1 de decembro de 2004.
En 1994, a vida tal como a coñecemos, con todas as súas preguntas angustiosas de por que estamos aquí e cara a onde imos, chegou ao seu fin coa publicación de Journey of Souls (Viaxe das Almas), do Doutor Michael Newton. Neste libro (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks in Galician language.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.Our Galician speakers Internet users can now read the interview given by Doctor Viviana Zenteno and conducted by Terra Networks Chile in their mother tongue. We would like to remind our readers that Doctor Zenteno has been the President of the Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists (ACHTEVIP) and has published up to three books dealing with regressive therapy, being one of these volumes dedicated to learning this technique.

We would like to thank Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for his translation into the language of Castelao.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Sunday, October 10th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Galician language:

Doutora Viviana Zenteno. As regresións como terapia da alma. Entrevista Terra, 6-5-2010 (Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010).
Entrevista Terra Networks Chile.
Xoves, 6 de Maio de 2010.
A través desta técnica, o pasado mestúrase co presente e actívanse unha serie de feitos que non están no consciente.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for La Nación in Galician.

Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for La Nación in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We would like to inform you that we have available to Galician-speaking Internet users the translation into this language of the interview granted to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by the Argentine newspaper La Nación. Each available interview is accessible from the Interviews section in each of the existing languages on our website.

La Nación. Logo.In this text, Doctor Cabouli tells how he decided to abandon body surgery and move on to what he calls soul surgery. It was later that he perfected his technique, both in the Past Lives Therapy (PLT) and in the Spiritual Possession Therapy (SPT), a fact which has been reflected in the evolution of his literature.

We are grateful to Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which expands our knowledge of this reality in the language of Eduardo Pondal.

Website’s Team «In body and soul».
Sunday, August 1st 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Here follows the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «Quixen ser un cirurxián de almas» (José Luis Cabouli: «I wanted to be a soul surgeon»).
Por Luís Aubele. Entrevista publicada no diario «La Nación», Buenos Aires, 22-03-2009.
«Que fun antes de ser José Luís?», comezou a preguntarse cando tiña 8 anos. O curioso é que daquela nunca tiña ouvido falar de reencarnación; non só non sabía o que era, senón que nin sequera coñecía a palabra. «Só uns anos máis tarde, entre os 15 e os 16, souben de que se trataba. Así e todo, tiveron que pasar 20 anos máis, cando xa era un cirurxián plástico con anos de exercicio, para que entendese que a reencarnación podía ter unha finalidade terapéutica», lembra José Luís Cabouli, médico e terapeuta especializado en Terapia de Vidas Pasadas (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by El Periódico de Catalunya in Galician

Interview to Doctor José Luís Cabouli by El Periódico de Catalunya in Galician

Animated Galician flag.Galician internauts have now available in Galician the interview made by El Periódico de Catalunya to Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

In this interview Doctor Cabouli applies the metaphor, according to which we are the drivers of a car who change their vehicle in every incarnation.

We thank Professor Vincenzo Reboleiro González for this translation, which increases the availability of pages in this language in our website.

The team of the “In body and soul” website.
Friday, July 9th, 2021.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Find here the link to the interview in Galician:

José Luís Cabouli: «A alma é o chofer; o corpo, o vehículo» (José Luis Cabouli: «The soul is the driver, the body the vehicle»).
El Periódico de Catalunya (O Xornal de Catalunya). Mércores, 8 de outubro de 2008.
José Luís Cabouli practica a Terapia das Vidas Pasadas. É médico e cirurxián da alma. Asume que existe a reencarnación e traballa con pacientes que arrastran traumas doutras vidas (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007.

Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007.

New Visions Magazine. Cover.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» Doctor Brian Weiss Interview for Dawn Light, which can be found in the Interviews section.

This is the complete one hour interview held on Tuesday, December 25, 2007; an excerpt of this interview appeared in the September-October 2007 issue of the «New Visions Magazine».

We are grateful for the work of the translator and therapist Loto Perrella who has provided the Spanish, French and Italian versions of the original english text. This document has also been published in Catalan language.

«In body and Soul» website’s Team.
Tuesday, March 9th of 2021.

It follows the links to the different available versions of the interview:

English animated flag.English:

Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007.
Dawn Light. Tuesday, December 25th 2007.
This is the complete one hour interview I did with Brian Weiss. An excerpt of this interview appeared in the September/October 2007 issue of New Visions Magazine.

Catalan animated flag.Català:

Albada d’un Nou Dia. Entrevista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light (Llum de l’Albada). Dimarts, 25 de desembre del 2007.
Aquesta és l’entrevista completa, d’una hora de duració, que li vaig fer a Brian Weiss al 2007, de la qual se’n va publicar un estracte en el número de setembre/octubre de la revista New Visions Magazine.

Castillian animated flag.Castellano:

Amanecer de un Nuevo Día. Entrevista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light (Luz del Alba). Martes, 25 de Diciembre de 2007.
Aquí está la entrevista completa de una hora que le hice a Brian Weiss. Un extracto de esta entrevista se publicó en el número de Septiembre/Octubre de 2007 de la revista New Visions Magazine.
Traducción respecto la versión original inglesa: Loto Perrella.

French animated flag.Français :

Le Lever d’un Nouveau Jour. Une interview à Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light ( Lumière de l’aube ). Mardi 25 décembre 2007.
Celle-ci est l’interview complète d’une heure que j’ai eue avec Brian Weiss. Un extrait de cette interview est apparu dans le numéro de Septembre-Octobre 2007 du New Visions Magazine.
Traduction respecte la version originale anglaise : Loto Perrella.

Italian animated flag.Italiano:

Lo Spuntare di un Nuovo Giorno. Intervista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light (Luce dell’alba). Martedì 25 dicembre 2007.
Abbiamo qui l’intervista completa di un’ora che ho fatto a Brian Weiss. Nel numero di settembre/ottobre 2007 della rivista New Visions Magazine abbiamo pubblicato un riassunto di questa intervista.
Traduzione dalla versione inglese originale: Loto Perrella.

Interview with Brian Weiss for the magazine Athanor in Italian language.

Interview with Brian Weiss for the magazine Athanor in Italian language.

Italian animated flag.We have now available to all Italian-speaking Internet users the interview with Dr. Brian Weiss in the journal «Athanor», published in issue 35, September-October 2002, between pages 15 and 18.

We are once again grateful for the collaboration of the translator Loto Perrella, who with her selfless and persevering dedication helps soul therapy to reach as many people as possible. With such collaborations, more and more people are able to understand the need for healing different forms of suffering that remain hidden in the unconscious.

The interview, this time translated into the language of Umberto Eco, was published in the «Athanor» journal, dedicated to revealing those aspects of reality unknown to most of us. From here, we want to pay tribute to their promoters.

«In Body and Soul» website’s team.
Sunday, 12nd of December of 2020.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated to Italian:

Ritorno alla pace. Intervista a Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
Rivista Athanor. Nº 35. Settembre-Ottobre 2002. Pagine 15-18.
Intervistatore: Josep Agustín. Interprete: Loto Perrella. Fotografa: Natalia Campoy.
Come stare in pace con sé stesso, e quindi con tutto, è forse la formula magica più cercata da sempre dagli esseri umani. Nel colloquio con il Dottor Brian Weiss nel suo albergo, e durante tutta l’intervista, ci siamo sentiti accompagnati dalla tranquillità, il buon umore ed il carattere cordiale di questa persona (…).
Traduzione: Loto Perella.

Interviews with Doctor José Luís Cabouli in Portuguese for the newspapers «El Periódico de Catalunya», «La Verdad», «La Nación» and «Reforma».

Interviews with Doctor José Luís Cabouli in Portuguese for the newspapers «El Periódico de Catalunya», «La Verdad», «La Nación» and «Reforma».

Animated Portuguese flag.We already have at the disposal of those who are fluent in Portuguese language the interviews granted by the newspapers «El Periódico de Catalunya», «La Verdad», «La Nación» and «Reforma» with Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

We thank the interpreter Marisabel Tropea for her collaboration in completing the interviews conducted with Doctor Cabouli in the language of José Saramago.

«In Body and Soul» website team.
Sunday, 8th of November of 2020.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

You can find below the links to the new Portuguese translations:

José Luís Cabouli: «A alma é o chofer; o corpo, o vehículo» (José Luis Cabouli: «The soul is the driver, the body the vehicle»).
El Periódico de Catalunya. Quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2008.
José Luis Cabouli pratica a Terapia de Vidas Passadas. Ele é médico e cirurgião da alma. Afirma que a reencarnação existe e trabalha com pacientes que arrastram traumas de outras vidas (…).
Tradução: Marisabel Tropea.

José Luís Cabouli: «Existem casos de pessoas com a alma de irmãos mortos» (José Luis Cabouli: «There are cases of people who have the soul of a dead brother»).
La Verdad. Sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012.
O especialista usa uma técnica de regressão à vidas passadas para resolver conflitos e problemas psicológicos de seus pacientes (…).
Tradução: Marisabel Tropea.

José Luís Cabouli: «Quis ser um cirurgião das almas» (José Luis Cabouli: «I wanted to be a soul surgeon»).
Por Luís Aubele. Entrevista publicada pelo Jornal «La Nación», Buenos Aires, 22-03-2009.
«O que eu fui antes de ser José Luís?», começou a perguntar-se quando tinha 8 anos. O curioso é que naquela época nunca havia ouvido falar de reencarnação; não somente não sabia o que era, tampouco conhecia a palavra. «Somente uns anos mais tarde, entre os 15 e os 16 anos, soube do que se tratava. Mas tiveram que passar 20 anos mais, quando eu levava anos exercendo a profissão de cirurgião plástico, para que compreendesse que a reencarnação poderia ter um fim terapêutico», recorda José Luís Cabouli, médico e terapeuta especializado em terapia de vidas passadas (…).
Tradução: Marisabel Tropea.

Entrevista ao Dr. José Luís Cabouli no jornal Reforma, México DF (Interview to Dr. José Luis Cabouli by newspaper Reforma, Mexico DF).
Por Natalia Vitela, México 26 de agosto de 2006.
Alguma vez você experimentou que quem pensa, fala e atua não é você e isso acontece por uma vontade alheia à sua? Se é assim não descarte a possibilidade de estar «possuído» (…).
Tradução: Marisabel Tropea.