Doctor Cabouli’s Cosmic Credit and Doctor Weiss’s Quotes from Scholars in Russian.

Doctor Cabouli’s Cosmic Credit and Doctor Weiss’s Quotes from Scholars in Russian.

Animated Russian flag.We would like to inform you that we now have at the disposal of Russian speaking internet users the video The Cosmic Credit of Doctor José Luis Cabouli subtitled in this language, as well as the Quotes from Scholars by Doctor Brian Weiss. We appreciate the good translation work done by Yana Vinokurova and Mariia Konysheva.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Saurday, January 7, 2023.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to documents in Russian language:

Типы кармы, коллективная карма, слава, цель и прощение. Цитаты мудрецов (Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars).
Через тела пациентов доктора Брайана Вайса, подвергшихся гипнотической регрессии, можно получить доступ не только к прошлому их души в поисках травмирующего события, но и к душам разных мудрецов или учителей, которые могут вмешаться, чтобы дать терапевту объяснения о духовной эволюции (…).
Доктор Брайан Вайс. Only Love Is Real (Только любовь реальна).
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

«Космический кредит» доктора Хосе Луиса Кабули. Лекция на испанском языке с русскими субтитрами (“The cosmic credit” by Doctor José Luís Cabouli. A talk in Spanish with Russian subtitles).
«Фрагмент лекции доктора Хосе Луиса Кабули под названием “Жизнь до рождения”, состоявшейся в Многоцелевом зале Солерас (Лас-Гарригес, Каталония) в субботу, 29 августа 2020 года (…)».
Профиль публикации «Odysee»: Animaweb. Лекции на русском языке. Дата публикации в «Odysee»: Воскресенье, 21 августа 2022 г. Продолжительность видео: 3 минуты 33 секунды. Язык: Голос на испанском языке с субтитрами на русском языке.
Перевод: Яна Винокурова и Мария Конышева.

“Past Lives Therapy”. A pathway to the light of the soul. Doctor José Luis Cabouli. 12-1-2023.

Past Lives Therapy”. A pathway to the light of the soul. Doctor José Luis Cabouli. 12-1-2023.


Thursday, January 12, 2023. 20 hours.

Llibreria Epsilon.
Carrer Casanova, 82.

Free entrance. Limited capacity.

Doctor José Luis Cabouli. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas». Un camino hacia la luz del alma ("Past Life Therapy". A path to the light of the soul.). Front page. Castilian.Past Lives Therapy“. A pathway to the light of the soul. Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Have we lived other lives before this one? Is it possible that today, in our present life, we unknowingly react to the influx of old unresolved emotions?

Many people undergoing the regression experience find that the symptoms and conflicts that disturb them in their current life disappear or are resolved by reliving scenes from their previous lives.

For the first time, an Argentinian doctor reveals his clinical experience with Past Lives Therapy (PLT) and explains, in a clear and entertaining way, through real stories, the technique he uses in his private practice.

From the basic concepts, the origins and evolution of PLT, passing through the fundamental technical premises, the reading takes us gently and progressively towards the intimate experience of regression through the development of therapeutic sessions as they were experienced by the people involved in them.

The eighteen stories presented are true and illustrate just a few of the many possibilities offered by PLT.

Epsilon: The reference. Since 1973 at your service.

In 2023 we are celebrating our 5oth anniversary.

Booking on the following phone numbers:

Landline phone: 934530939.

Mobile Phone: 638272887.

Link to the Epson Library activities program along January del 2023:

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Interview with Maria Lluïsa Valls Carreras. Caligrama Editorial.

Interview with Maria Lluïsa Valls Carreras. Caligrama Editorial.

Caligram Editorial. Logo.Caligrama Editorial.

Interview with Maria Lluïsa Valls Carreras.

When did you start the literary adventure?–

In my teenage years, when I worked in a factory where you could breathe the smell of toxic products. In my sleepless nights I dedicated myself to writing poems to relieve my anxiety.–

Why are you writing?–

I carry it in my blood. I remember the afternoon during my childhood in which the school teacher came to our farmhouse. He insisted to my parents that I had to continue with my studies, since I had a great facility for writing.–

How did the book «El tesoro Zíngaro» («The Gypsy treasure») came about?–

Guided by coincidences that kept appearing in my daily life, these being the ones that propelled me, like a leaf carried by the wind, towards that ancestral and authentic people: the gypsies. Thus, I began to connect with their beautiful experiences and with their tragic fate in the Nazi death camps.–

Book cover of «El tesoro Zíngaro» ("The Gypsy treasure").Book cover of «El tesoro Zíngaro» («The Gypsy treasure»).

How would you define this work?–

As a work which avoids cliches. Created during immersions in the most hidden depths of my being and, at the same time, of the collective unconscious. Revealing at the end of the book my belief in reincarnation and that I experienced what I had described in my own skin.–

Who are the characters and what are they like?–

The protagonist, Sira, appears accompanied by some characters who vibrate next to the beating of the forest. Among others: her husband Drago; Ernestyna, his weaver aunt; his grandfather Janosh; and their children Zorka and Janko. I give a voice to their feelings, their customs, their rooting to live every minute of their lives as if it were their last. Through the narration they will see their bodies dancing freely in paradise and those same bodies bent over in suffering in the embers of hell. As the story progresses, Nazi characters come up. Already in the third part of the book, taking place in the current life, I talk about the reunions with beings from this past who intervene in the healing of Sira’s soul, of Maria Lluïsa.–

What topics do you deal with in the background of the novel?–

I convey that the soul of the human being possesses memory of previous lives. That a Being who is known in other times can appear in this life today, with another dress, offering us its mirror. A mirror that will allow us to see our dark side, our deep wounds, which we need to bring up to light and heal. In the background there is the conviction that we have all been and are teachers, at the same time as students.–

How has this literary experience been?–

Hardworking, moving and magical. Perhaps the most remarkable experiences have been those of embroidering the calligrams and the impact of the successive «causalities» that appeared at the most unexpected moment.–

What did you learn from writing this book?–

It has been something more than learning. After years of therapy to overcome my phobias and fears, while writing the book I became aware that they were connected to the story I was telling. At the same time, I appreciated that I was freeing myself from this burden of the past. I think it was what encouraged me to finish the book and publish it to offer help to other beings.

My learning is that we are all connected.–

To which audience are your works addressed?

To those restless people who seek the deepest meaning of life. Also to those who are looking for an understanding or answers to what is happening to them in their day to day life.–

How do you think your evolution as a writer has been?–

I have been persevering in my gift of writing, without haste and without pause. Parallel to the consciousness that was awakening during these immersions in the depths of myself.–

What has been the biggest challenge when carrying out this work?–

My inner struggle between wanting to write it in a form, let’s say, conventional and the fact that these “spellings” came to me without following any rules or understanding why. It was after I finished writing the manuscript that a teacher who was a student of Kabbalah numerology explained to me that through the reading of each calligram, an unconscious healing of the soul takes place.–

Is there any writing method that works for you?

I am self-taught. The fact that I did not continue studying, as the village teacher insisted my parents to, I believe it safeguarded me from being impregnated with intellectual knowledge and allowed me to be open to my own intuition.–

What would you like to achieve in the reading public?–

May the spirituality that emanates from each page be able to cause these small miracles in the soul or subconscious of the reader and therefore, in their daily life.–

Finish the sentence Calligram is…A publishing house that works hand in hand with the author to make his dreams come true.

Link to purchase the book in Spanish «El tesoro Zíngaro» (“The gypsy treasure“), by Maria Lluïsa Valls Carreras, In the section “Libros.CC“:

Link to the original interview in Spanish language:

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Doctor Zenteno’s bibliography, Doctor Cabouli’s miscarriage case and mailing list page in Portuguese.

Doctor Zenteno’s bibliography, Doctor Cabouli’s miscarriage case and mailing list page in Portuguese.

Animated Portuguese flag.We would like to inform you that Internet users who use the Portuguese language already have at their disposal the pages with the summarized bibliography of Doctor Viviana Zenteno, the misscarriage case of Doctor José Luis Cabouli showing the image of a Bioelectrography (BEG), and the page informing and and allowing you to manage the use of mailing lists. We appreciate the good translation work offered to us by Simone de Souza.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Sunday, December 25, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the pages again available in Portuguese language:

Bibliografia da Doutora Viviana Zenteno (Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography).
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Caso de aborto. Terapia de posessão espiritual (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«A BEG (Bioelectrografía) corresponde a uma mulher de trinta e cinco anos que perdeu uma gestação de três meses como consequência de um acidente. A mulher sentia medo e culpa porque o acidente se origino de sua imprudência. A BEG foi obtida durante a sessão de regressão justo no momento em que a paciente expresso o seguinte: “Em este momento sinto que o bebé está dentro da minha cabeça”».
Imagen da BEG: Raúl Torres. Do livro do Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la Posesión Espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Terapia da possessão espiritual. Técnica e prática clínica). Editorial Índigo. Página 397.
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

Listas de correios eletrônicos da web «Em corpo e alma» (Mail Lists Directory of the “At Body and Soul” web site).
Tradução: Simone de Souza.

An interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Magazine Athanor in German.

An interview to Doctor Brian Weiss by the Magazine Athanor in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that the interview made to Doctor Brian Weiss, which was published by the magazine Athanor in 2002, has already been translated into German. Our thanks to the author of the translation.

Team of the “In body and soul web.
Friday, 16th December 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

Rückkehr zum Frieden. Interview mit Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
<Athanor-Magazin. Nummer 35. September-Oktober 2002. Seiten 15-18.
Interviewer: Josep Agustín. Dolmetscherin: Loto Perrella. Fotografin: Natalia Campoy.
Mit sich selbst und damit mit allem im Reinen zu sein, ist die vielleicht begehrteste Zauberformel des Menschen. Beim Empfang durch Dr. Brian Weiss im Hotel und während des gesamten Interviews begleitete uns die Ruhe, gute Laune und aufmerksame Art dieser Person (…)“.

Understanding through experience by Dr. Brian Weiss in Roumanian.

Understanding through experience by Dr. Brian Weiss in Roumanian.

Animated Romanian flag.We inform you that Doctor Brian Weiss’ writing Understanding through experience is already available in Roumanian. We are thankful for this translation to Govor Marian Cosmin.

Team of the “In body and soul” web.
Thursday, December 8, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Roumanian translation:

Înțelegerea prin experiență (Understanding through experience).
Medicul de psihiatrie Brian Weiss povestește cercetările sale inițiale în căutarea referințelor la reîncarnare după primii pași în tehnica terapiei vieții trecute (…)“.
Doctorul Brian Weiss. Through Time into Healing: Discovering the Power of Regression Therapy to Erase Trauma and Transform Mind (De-a lungul timpului: Descoperirea puterii terapiei de regresie pentru a șterge traumele și a transforma mintea, corpul și relațiile).
Traducere: Govor Marian Cosmin.

Radio Mijas. Serendipia, 11-11-2021. “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child”, book by Thomas Verny and John Kelly, presented by Carlos González Delgado.

Radio Mijas. Serendipia, 11-11-2021. “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child”, book by Thomas Verny and John Kelly, presented by Carlos González Delgado.

Carlos Gonzalez Delgado. Radio MIjas. Serendipia.Radio Mijas. Serendipia, with Carlos González Delgado, psychologist, creator of the ATMA Centers in Malaga and Cártama. President of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR). Presents the book “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” and makes a summary of the first few pages. Authors of the book: Thomas Verny and John Kelly. Spanish edition by Ediciones Urano. Broadcast on Thursday, November 11, 2021. Duration: 54 minutes and 51 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Program audio link:

Link to listen to all installments of the Serendipia program, with Carlos González Delgado:

Synopsis of the book “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” in its Spanish version, within Ediciones Urano website’s.

Thomas Verny. John Kelly. La vida secreta del niño antes de nacer (The Secret Life of the Unborn Child). Urano. Cover.Ediciones Urano recovers for its readers the great classic of prenatal psychology, recommended by pediatricians, midwives and psychologists. In this work, Thomas Verny put forward for the first time the idea –demonstrated with empirical data– that the bond between the mother and the unborn baby not only connects their physical universes but also their emotional and mental ones: maternal well-being affects the development of the child from its very conception. Throughout the pages, the American psychiatrist teaches how to neutralize the conflicts that inevitably arise during pregnancy, while guiding future mothers to make pregnancy an enriching experience, both for themselves and for the future baby, through voice, music, relaxation… without neglecting sleeping and eating habits.

Indispensable for knowing the surprising universe of the maternal womb, “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” supposed a before and after in the perception of pregnancy for families and professionals.

Link to the original synopsis:

Synopsis of the book “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child“, in its Spanish version, according to Crianza Natural website’s.

The Secret Life Of The Unborn Child: A remarkable and controversial look at life before birth. Cover.Thomas Verny and John Kelly expose in this book that the fetus can see, hear, experience, taste and, in a primitive way, even learn.

Consequence of this discovery is the fact that what is felt and perceived by the fetus will define its social behavior in the future. The fundamental intervening instrument in the transmission of these initial messages is, of course, the mother. This subtle radiation does not mean that all kinds of tensions or worries fall upon the fetus. What is important, on the contrary, are her deep and constant feelings.

The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” also narrates that the links established with the baby’s environment after birth, are the continuation of a process that had begun long before in the womb.

The authors are members of the Canadian Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology.

Link to the original synopsis:

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Good books on Regression Therapy from Malaga…

Good books on Regression Therapy from Malaga.

Presentation of the books “Basic Regression Therapy” and “The soul without veil”, with Carlos González Delgado.

Speaking Carlos González Delgado, Psychiatrist Member Nr. AO-11251.

Therapist and profesor of Regression Therapy, Founder of the Atma Centre at Málaga (Andalusia, Spain). President of AETR.

Carlos González Delgado. «Terapia Regresiva Básica» ("Basic Regression Therapy"). Cover.

Introducing the book «Terapia Regresiva Básica» (Basic Regression Therapy), with foreword by Dr. José Luis Cabouli. Author: Carlos González Delgado. Publisher: Círculo Rojo (Spain).

266 pages, 10 chapters, 6 of them being introductory, 4 literal transcripts with comments and explanations.

Personal methodology from the point of view of psychology and the psychotherapy of the soul.

«El alma sin velo» (“The soul without veil”). Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR) [Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy]. Cover.

He also introduces the book «El alma sin velo» (The soul without veil). First book published by the Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR) [Spanish Association of Regressive Therapy].

318 pages, 15 chapters, 12 co-authors. 14 literal transcripts. Comments by the therapists and actual evidence of the consultants.

Information and orders through any of the co-authors, in bookshops and companies such as cclibros and Amazon.

Orders to Carlos González:

Ohone & WhatsApp:

(+34) 616468958


centro.atma.cartamaA que

Present prices:

Terapia Regresiva Básica (15 €)

El alma sin velo (18 €)

Buying the two books together there are no shipping costs within Spain.

Eternal blessings.

Link to the original message:

Publication profile in Facebook: Carlos González Delgado. Date of publication in Facebook: Thursday 16th June at 4.10 p.m.

Length of video: 3 minutes 30 seconds. Language: Spanish.

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.