We have got «Amy’s Evidence» in Galician language.
Thanks to the excellent collaboration of the Galician language teacher Elisa Borrazás, we have at our disposal the striking Amy’s Evidence in the language of Castelao. In this case, from the work of Dr. Michael Newton, the patient recalls a previous life where she committed suicide because she is single, pregnant, and her boyfriend has died in an accident in Victorian Britain.
In that incarnation, Amy did not have enough courage and confidence in the future in spite of the adverse situation she was suffering and had to remain stagnant for a long period of time in her evolution, prior to her subsequent evaluation.
Dr. Newton delves into the extraordinary resources that become available to some souls in the period between two lives in order for them to be knowledgeable about the alternative paths that they could have chosen in the previous life, in the case of having opted for a different alternative among the presented ones. A knowledge which is still vetoed for incarnate souls like ours in the present stage of spiritual evolution of Humanity.
«In body and Soul» website’s Team. Saturday, October 24 of 2020. Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.
It follows the information about the page in Galician language:
Testemuño de Amy. Caso de suicidio e paso pola biblioteca dos Libros da Vida (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books). No seguinte relato, unha paciente do Doutor Michael Newton, que aquí toma o nome de Amy, revive unha vida pasada na cal se suicida por atoparse solteira, embarazada e perder a súa parella nun accidente na Inglaterra victoriana. A súa alma queda estancada uns cen anos dedicada a reflexionar sobre o que fixo, ata que accede a unha biblioteca dos Libros da Vida. Alá establece un diálogo coa alma dun dos bibliotecarios, un experto mestre que a axuda a continuar o seu camiño de evolución espiritual (…). Doutor Michael Newton. Destino de las almas. Un eterno crecimiento espiritual (Destino das almas. Un eterno crecemento espiritual). Páxinas 93-100. Tradución: Elisa Borrazás.
History of the International Journal of Regression Therapy (JRT).
Thanks to Doctor José Luís Cabouli we have known the website of the International Journal of Regression Therapy, with which we establish a link from the website «In body and soul». This entity has published, along its trajectory, an extensive variety of articles and cases related to this subject, all published in English language. Below we offer you Rich Stammler’s text describing the history of this publication until 2014.
Team of the website «In body and soul». Saturday, October 24th, 2020. Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.
History of the International Journal of Regression Therapy (JRT).
The concept of using past-life regression for physical, psychological and spiritual healing contained many threads of insight from many schools of thought from across the globe. In the United States, during the ‘60s and ‘70s a counterculture emerged which contrasted with the stark materialism evident at that time in the Western culture, science and in psychology, as a part of behaviorism.
Aspects of that counterculture movement included a revival and interest in the wisdom traditions including those of India. A parallel development in physics slowly took hold, the popularization of quantum mechanics. The principles of quantum mechanics led to the startling conclusion that, at a minimum, we live in a «participatory universe», we are co-creators, of our reality, and consciousness/mind collapses the quantum wave of all possibilities at each moment. Particle physicists revealed that at its base all is energy, in Einstein’s words «…the field is the only reality».
The ‘60s ushered in psychedelic experiences that for many, opened up vistas to normally unseen realities and further eroded the underpinnings of materialism. Meanwhile, in theories of health and disease, the focus on healing became not an external agent but the self. This new focus ushered in new thinking expressed in several publications, such as, Shealy and Myss’s Creation of Health (Shealy & Myss,1988), Deepak Chopra’s, Quantum Healing (Chopra,1989), and, finally for the regression field, Dethlefsen and Dahlke’s, powerful, The Healing Power of Illness (Dethlefsen & Dahlke, 1983). All of this represented a large paradigm shift in Western thinking, which is on-going today and, in fact, accelerating1.
Association for Research and Past Life Therapies (APRT).
Association for Research and Past Life Therapies (APRT). Logo.
However, the regression therapy movement began in earnest as organizers conducted the first conference in May of 1980 at the University of California at Irvine with the stipulation by the university that only those professionally credentialed could be presenters. At the conference, a committee was formed to create a past-life therapy association. Its purpose was, «…the organization should be a clearing house for information, set standards and determine ethics, help to articulate the concept of past lives to the professional community, publish a journal, and be involved in a training program. It was also to serve as a support group for its members and as a referral source for the public» (Lucas, 1993, p 15). In October 1981, a formal organization was founded with the title of The Association for Past-Life Research and Therapies (APRT). The movement correlated with the emergence of a new school of psychology, transpersonal psychology. The new organization was composed of credentialed professionals from traditional fields, non-credentialed hypnotherapists who adapted easily to this new form of regression therapy, and a group of psychics who, «did readings rather than practice therapy» (Lucas, 1993, p.15).
The association published its first newsletter, which was soon followed by the first and only journal for regression therapy, The Journal of Regression Therapy, in 1986. The APRT board’s guidance was «…to include reactions from members, new research, innovative treatment techniques, and personal experiences, as well as articles and book reviews» (Lucas, 1993, p.17).
International Association of Research and Regression Therapies (IARRT). Logo.
The association grew rapidly and the passion of the membership produced semi-annual conferences and semi-annual editions of the Journal in the early years. In 1999, the APRT assumed a new name, the International Association of Research and Regression Therapies (IARRT) to reflect a growing international character of this movement.
For various reasons, from its height in membership near the turn of the century, membership steadily declined until on January 2014 IARRT dissolved.
APRT began publishing the first Journal of Regression Therapy in the Spring of 1986. The current 2014 issue will make it 28 years of publishing topics of interest to regression professionals and related disciplines. To date, the Journal includes 25 issues containing over 330 articles spanning every facet of the regression discipline. In spite of the demise of IARRT, there are a great number of professionals who want to see this important legacy of APRT/IARRT continued. Meanwhile, other fast-growing regression organizations overseas also expressed interest in creating/continuing some type of regression journal.
The International Journal of Regression Therapy.
The opportunity was seized to make the Journal a truly international journal and vehicle for new ideas, new research and a forum that enhances and furthers the best goals of the regression community. To that end, collaboration occurred between the existing editor of the Journal, Rich Stammler, the president of the Earth Association for Regression Therapy (EARTh), Athanasios Komianos, and the past president, Hans ten Dam, to make the Journal truly international. Based on the World Regression Congress (WCRT4) in 2011 (in Turkey), and the most recent World Regression Congress (WCRT5) in 2014 (in Portugal), the mix of different cultural perspectives and less tether to a traditional worldview, brings some very interesting new ideas into the mix. It appears there is a great deal more academic research happening overseas. It looks very promising for the prospect of a truly global journal in the near future.
The International Journal of Regression Therapy. Logo.
During the WCRT5, the new Journal was formally born with the title, The International Journal of Regression Therapy. The title is largely the same and reflects the legacy of the original, but highlights the increased emphasis on the global nature of its contributors and subscribers. The logo is the mythical Phoenix to show the rebirth of the Journal superimposed on a globe to also mirror its international character. The consulting editorial board has expanded to include a group for the non-English speaking contributors and readers. The goals of the Journal are the following:
The mission of the Journal is to further the professional and academic development of regression therapy around the world.
It publishes articles on the empirical effects and theoretical implications of regression therapy.
It provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and practices.
It supports the development of a theoretical framework for regression.
It pays attention to related developments in the fields of transpersonal psychology and the study of consciousness.
It translates interesting articles in other languages into English.
It stimulates research.
The structure of the Journal has been updated to the following:
A Table of Contents, –with links to articles–.
Articles, –composed of research ideas, techniques, interesting cases and other topics of interest to the regression professional–.
Book Reviews.
A Blog Section –a new section with the 2014 issue and will have the same general topic as the main articles but much shorter– one to two pages.
New Community Media –will be a new section in the next issue and is composed of new books, electronic media and other published material created by the professional community to appraise readers of new media in the regression field–.
Authors –a section presenting a short bio of contributing authors–.
The goal of the new Journal Policy Board is to publish the next issue in March of 2015.
Rich Stammler. November 2014.
Chopra, D. (1989). Quantum healing. New York: Bantam Books.
Dethlefsen, T. & Dahlke, R. (1983). The Healing power of illness: the meaning of symptoms & how to interpret them. (tr. 1990) Brisbane, Australia: Element Books Limited.
Lucas, W. B. (1993). The History of Regression Therapy. in W. B. Lucas, (Ed.), Regression therapy: a handbook for professionals,Vol. I: Past-Life Therapy. Crest Park, CA: Deep Forest Press.
Shealy, C. N. & Myss, C. (1988). The Creation of health: the emotional, psychological, and spiritual responses that promote health and healing. New York: Three Rivers Press.
Talk by Doctor José Luís Cabouli with María Eugenia Domínguez («Mariu»), performed in «Facebook Live», on Saturday the 25th of July of 2020; Blanes, Girona, Catalonia, Spain.
Editor’s Profile: «Doctor Cabouli. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas» («Doctor Cabouli. Past Life Therapy»). Publishing date in «YouTube»: Monday August 24th of 2020. Duration: 1 hour, 39 minutes and 55 seconds. language: Spanish.
Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli by Mónica Baum on Past Lives Therapy for the show «Paths of Life» («Caminos de la vida») on Wetoker. Saturday, July 21st, 2018, Buenos Aires. Doctor José Luís Cabouli is a therapist of Past Lives (PLT) or soul therapy.
Editor profile: «Doctor Cabouli. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas» («Doctor Cabouli. Past Lives Therapy»). Date of publication on «YouTube»: Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Duration: 39 minutes and 3 seconds. Language: Spanish.
You can find more information about this therapy at:
Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks, 6-5-2010.
In the Interviews section of the website «In body and soul», we have uploaded the page with the interview by Terra Networks with Dr. Viviana Zenteno, President of the Asociación Chilena de Terapeutas de Vidas Pasadas (ACHTEVIP) [Chilean Association of Past Lives Therapies (ACHTEVIP)], released on Thursday, May 6th, 2010.
We are particularly grateful to Dr. Viviana Zenteno for facilitating access to this case, as well as to the Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists, chaired by herself.
Speaker: Doctor in Medicine and Surgery José Luís Cabouli. Speakers: Dolors Preixens, President of ELAIA Women’s Association; Cristina Prunera, Secretary of ELAIA Women’s Association and the Most Illustrious Mr. Jordi Sarlé Marfull, Mayor of Soleràs. Event date: Saturday, August 29, 2020. Filming and editing: Manuel Marsan. YouTube posing date: Monday, September 9, 2020. Duration: 1 hour, 54 minutes and 15 seconds. Language: Spanish and interventions in Catalan.
Acknowledgments, apologies and explanation.
Last Saturday, September 29, 2020, the conference of the Doctor of Medicine and Surgery José Luís Cabouli entitled «La vida antes de nacer» («Life before birth») was held in the Sala Polivalent of Soleràs, in Les Garrigues, on Past Lives Therapy (PLT) applied to incidents in the conception, gestation and birth phases. The call was a success, with about 110-111 attendees of which about 80 came from outside the municipality.
First of all, we would like to thank for its collaboration to Soleràs’ Cultural Women Association ELAIA, which successfully engaged in the organization of this event. Also to the City Council of the same locality, which facilitated the premises for its realization.
Our acknowledgements to the speaker for displacing on his own from Blanes to a small town with a census of 350 inhabitants one Saturday after a considerable drop in temperatures took place. Due to this circumstance, some of the attendees already showed up with a cold.
Thanks to Concepció and Teresa Grau from the Grabert store of Avinguda de Blondel 74 in Lleida, for sending us a batch of Doctor Caboui’s books. Thus, some attendees were able to purchase them and receive a dedication from the author. The two of them remained inside the premises until the end, despite having an scheduled appointment right after.
Many thanks to the ecological farmer and founder of Dolça Revolució de les Plantes Medicinals (Sweet Revolution of Medicinal Plants) Josep Pàmies, who honored us with his presence in the company of his wife and participated in the event with his inquiries. Our gratitude too to all the people who attended.
We also like to thank the Deputy Mayor of Soleràs, Manuel Marsan, for editing this video and overcoming the technical difficulties.
On the other hand, we apologize because due to the requirements imposed upon the celebration of the event, it had been necessary to implement the use of face masks and physical distance among the attendees, measures even more uncomfortable for those women attending having been concerned about their own pregnancy. We needed to have the event authorized and until the moment of its celebration, we were uncertain about the government approval and about a new opportunity to organise another event in the western catalan lands region in the following days.
We know that some experts in science and medicine, backed up by relevant arguments, have questioned the need for such control measures. On the other hand, there is a peremptory need to publicize publicly and presentially the Past Lives Therapy (PLT) and the Therapy of Spiritual Possession (TSP) in the face of the enormous samples of accumulated human suffering that we calculate that have yet to be resolved amongst all the incarnated and disembodied souls produced along the history of humanity, which requires of the knowledge of the whole population without further delay.
Brauli Tamarit Tamarit. Event Facilitator. Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.
Conference «Life before birth» with Dr. Cabouli, 29-8-2020.
Elaia. Associació Cultural de Dones del Soleràs. (Elaia. Soleràs Women’s Cultural Association).
Conference: Saturday, August 29th at 19h30’ in Soleràs multipurpose hall.
«Life before birth»
One of the most fascinating periods of our personal history.
Taught by Doctor José Luís Cabouli, 33 years of experience in Past Lives Therapy (PLT) and author of 7 books.
Doctor Cabouli will share his clinical experience in intrauterine life works within the framework of Past Lives Therapy.
Doctor José Luis Cabouli graduated as a physician from the University of Buenos Aires in 1974, first training as a surgeon. In 1988 he left the practice of surgery to devote himself exclusively to the development and practice of Past Lives Therapy (PLT). PLT is a therapeutic technique that involves bringing up to our consciousness the unresolved traumas hidden in the unconscious mind, where many of the emotional conflicts that disturb our everyday life have their origin. These traumas could have their origin on previous lives experiences, the intrauterine life, birth, as well as on the first childhood and later ages of the present life.
In this lecture Doctor Cabouli will refer in particular to the «Life before Birth». This is one of the most fascinating periods in our personal history. In the womb the baby can perceive the emotional states and conflicts of the mother and her surrounding family environment and react to it. In the face of rejection, aggression or indifference, the baby may react with helplessness, guilt or panic, among other emotions, thus giving rise to patterns of behavior and emotional conflicts that will manifest later in life as an adult. Additionally, the developing baby is a consciousness of its own and bears its own personality and the memory of its previous experiences, which will be erased from the conscious memory at the moment of birth.
Doctor Cabouli’s Bibliography:
«Terapia de Vidas Pasadas. Técnica y práctica» («Past Lives Therapy. Technique and practice»). 320 pages.
«El Viaje del Alma. Experiencias de la vida entre las vidas» («The Soul’s Journey. Life experiences within lives»). 224 pages.
«La Vida antes de Nacer. Viaje al origen de nuestra historia personal» («Life before birth. A journey to the origins of our personal history»). 256 pages.
«El Trabajo del Alma. ¿Qué es la Terapia de Vidas Pasadas?» («The soul’s work.¿What is the Past Lives Therapy?»). 128 pages.
«Terapia de la Posesión Espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica» («Spiritual Possession Therapy. Technique and clinical practice»). 360 pages.
«El Propósito del Alma. Cuál es nuestra misión en esta vida» («The soul’s purpose. What is our mission in this life»). 192 pages.
«Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma. Terapia de Vidas Pasadas: un nuevo paradigma» («Soul catching and recovery. Past Lives Therapy: a new paradigm»). 256 pages.
All books have been edited by «Ediciones Continente».
How would your life be different if you experienced less fear and anxiety? If you had a stronger understanding of who you are—and who you’ve always been?
30 years ago, Dr. Brian Weiss astonished the world of psychiatry with the theories of past-life regression therapy detailed in his best-selling book: Many Lives, Many Masters.
Today, Dr. Weiss remains the nation’s foremost expert in this field, and this April, he is bringing his intensive Many Lives, Many Masters workshop to Philadelphia, PA!
This can’t-miss workshop explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy, including a series of group past-life regression exercises, healing visualizations, and right brain training.
Dr. Weiss will teach you what he has learned in his decades-long career and usher you into a new understanding of yourself.
When we discuss what happens before we are born, after we die, and our possible future lives—we overcome the limitations set by our past conditioning and release our deep-rooted anxieties and fears.
On this incredible psycho-spiritual journey, you’ll explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul—as well as:
During this all-day event, you will have an opportunity to:
Discover extraordinary details about your past
Release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes
Practice revolutionary healing visualizations and meditations
Harness the power of love and understanding to transform your life
Understand soul mates and soul companions
Discover new tools for developing your intuition and psychic abilities
Have your copy of Many Lives, Many Masters autographed by Dr. Brian