Brian Weiss Interview for Dawn Light in Galician.

Brian Weiss Interview for Dawn Light in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.Internet users using the Galician language have now at their disposal the one hour long full version of the interview that Dawn Light gave to Doctor Brian Weiss, an excerpt of which was reproduced in the New Visions Magazine.

With this translation into the language of Castelao by Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González, we reach all the pages currently available on our website. We would like to express our gratitude for this excellent work.

In body and soulwebsite ‘s team.
Wednesday, May 25 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Galician:

Amencer dun Novo Día. Entrevista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Entrevista a Brian Weiss por Dawn Light (Luz da Alba).
Aquí está a entrevista completa dunha hora que lle fixen a Brian Weiss. Un extracto desta entrevista publicouse no número de Setembro/Outubro de 2007 da revista New Visions Magazine.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Orpheus evidence, in Galician.

Orpheus evidence, in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We inform that the Orpheus evidence, from Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s book, Therapy of spiritual possession, is already available for the Galician readers.

It is about a patient who, in a previous meeting, had broken a pact with darkness established in a previous life, but still had several entities occupying his ethereal body. Through the joint work of therapist and patient, this one lets his vocal cords so that the entities living inside him may, one after the other, hold a dialogue with the therapist, who informs them of their actual situation, and helps them to go towards light so as to continue their cycle of successive incarnations.

This case was chosen by Doctor Cabouli himself to be published in our website. We are again grateful to Doctor Cabouli for his offer and to Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for the good translation job into Galician.

Team of the In body and soul website.
Wednesday, May 5, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Galician translation:

Testemuño de Orfeo. Terapia de posesión espiritual (Orpheus witness. Spiritual possession therapy).
O paciente que aquí toma o nome de Orfeo saíu dunha sesión onde superou un pacto coa escuridade dunha vida anterior. Na sesión presente o terapeuta detecta a presenza de diferentes entidades desencarnadas que entraron dentro do paciente, aproveitando o seu estado anterior. O terapeuta dialoga con cada unha destas entidades que se manifestan utilizando a voz e as cordas vocais de Orfeo, axudándoas a atopar o camiño da Luz. Deste xeito, liberan o seu hóspede de trastornos e poden volver retomar o ciclo de encarnacións sucesivas.
Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia da posesión espiritual. Técnica e práctica clínica. Edicións Continente. Páxinas 270 a 285.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Cristina’s evidence in Galician.

Cristina’s evidence in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We inform you that those who speak Galician have now at their disposal Cristina’s evidence, from the book «Atrapamiento y recuperación del alma» (Trapping and Recovery of the Soul), by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

In this case a patient is blocked in her improvement in her present life, and she recalls a pact made with Darkness in a past life. It is a relatively frequent situation among Doctor Cabouli’s patients, and for this reason he chose it to be published in our web site. We thank again Doctor Cabouli for his contribution, and Professor of Galician, Vicenzo Reboleiro González for his good translation work.

Team of the web site In body and soul.
Wednesdeay, 6th April 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the Galician translation:

Testemuño de Cristina. Un pacto coa escuridade (Testimony of Cristina. A pact with darkness).
A paciente, que neste relato toma o nome de Cristina, sofre varios bloqueos á hora de poder levar a cabo os seus propósitos na súa vida actual. Coa axuda do terapeuta ela visualiza unha vida pasada onde se xeraron estes síntomas, cando foi un home que establece un pacto coa escuridade para conseguir poder e aceptación social polos membros dunha seita. Cristina, asistida polo terapeuta, pode desfacer o pacto que a limitaba, sanar os males realizados e resolver os bloqueos a que estaba suxeita (…).
Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Atrapamento e recuperación da alma. Terapia de vidas pasadas: Un novo paradigma. Edicións Continente. Páxinas 123 a 134.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Availability of the German and Galician Mailing Lists webpage.

Availability of the German and Galician Mailing Lists webpage.

Mailing List.Our website «In body and Soul», dedicated to publicizing the so-called soul therapies, has a Mailing List system so you can receive the latest news in your email address.

There is a page within our website that allows you to manage the registration and cancellation of emails, as well as changes in the listing preferences. Submissions can currently be received in three languages: Galician, spanish and english

The Mailing List page is also available in German and Galician tongues. We are grateful for the collaboration of the people who have made these translations possible, among which we would like to mention the Galician Language Teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Thursday, March 10th of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the again available webpage’s versions:

Animated German flag.Deutsch:

Mailinglisten der Webseite „In Körper und Seele“.
Wir stellen Ihne einen Messenger-Service mit dem “PHP List” System zur Verfügung, um Ihnen die Neuigkeiten der Webseite “In Körper und Seele” mitteilen zu können. Die Mitteilungen beziehen sich auf die spirituelle Entwicklung durch die Reinkarnation mit Hilfe von Zeugenberichten sowie den Praktizierenden der Therapie der vergangenen Leben (TVL) und der Therapie der geistigen Besessenheit. Die grundlegende Definition unserer Ziele ist über diesen Link einzusehen (…)“.

Animated Galician flag.Galego:

Listas de correo do sitio web «En cuerpo y alma».
«Temos á vosa disposición un servizo de mensaxería, mediante o sistema “PHP List”, para darvos a coñecer as novidades do sitio web “En cuerpo y alma”. As noticias están relacionadas coa evolución espiritual mediante a reencarnación coa axuda das testemuñas, como os dos practicantes da Terapia de Vidas Pasadas (TVP) e a Terapia da Posesión Espiritual (TPE). A definición fundacional dos nosos obxectivos está determinada nesta ligazón (…)».

Interview with Doctor Michael Newton by Mary Arsenault in Galician.

Interview with Doctor Michael Newton by Mary Arsenault in Galician.

Animated Galician flag.We share with you the interview given by Mary Arsenault to Dr. Michael Newton which was published back at the time in Wisdom Magazine, this time in the language of Castelao.

We thank the Galician language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for translating the text into Galician tongue.

In body and Soulwebsite’s team.
Sunday, January 9 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

A Mente: unha entrevista co Doutor Michael Newton, por Mary Arsenault (The Mind: An interview with Doctor Michael Newton, by Mary Arsenault).
Wisdom Magazine. Mércores, 1 de decembro de 2004.
En 1994, a vida tal como a coñecemos, con todas as súas preguntas angustiosas de por que estamos aquí e cara a onde imos, chegou ao seu fin coa publicación de Journey of Souls (Viaxe das Almas), do Doutor Michael Newton. Neste libro (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

A case of misscarriage. Infographic text in Galician language.

A case of misscarriage. Infographic text in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.We have available to Galician language speaker’s Internet users the page with the text of the infographic (BEG) of a patient who had lost her baby while pregnant due to an accident.

We are grateful to Doctor José Luís Cabouli for the facilities provided and to the Galician Language Teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for the translation of the text into Galician tongue.

Website’s team “In body and soul“.
Wednesday, December 1st 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

Caso de aborto. Terapia da posesión espiritual (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«A BEG (Bioelectrografía) corresponde a unha muller de trinta e cinco años que perdeu un embarazo de tres meses como consecuencia dun accidente. A muller refería medo e culpa porque o accidente se debeu a unha imprudencia súa. A BEG foi obtida durante a sesión de regresión, xusto no momento en que a paciente expresou o seguinte: “Neste momento sinto que o bebé está dentro da miña cabeza” (…)».
Imaxe da BEG: Raúl Torres, do libro do Doutor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Terapia da posesión espiritual. Técnica e práctica clínica). Editorial Índigo. Página 397.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography in Galician language.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.Galician language speakers Internet users can now access Doctor Viviana Zenteno bibliography page, with the synopsis of each of her books published to date, in their language.

We are grateful to Doctor Zenteno for the facilities provided and to the Galician language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for translating this page into the language of Eduardo Pondal.

Website’s team “In body and soul“.
Wednesday, December 1st 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

Bibliografía da Doutora Viviana Zenteno (Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography).
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Katia’s clinical case in Galician language.

Katia’s clinical case in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.We would like to inform you that internet users using Galician tongue can read the clinical case of Katia, led by Doctor Viviana Zenteno, in their own language.

We are once again grateful to Doctor Zenteno for allowing us to reproduce her case on our website, both in the original Spanish language and in its translations, as well as to the Galician Language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González for the translation of this case in the language of Rosalia de Castro.

In body and soul” website’s team.
Sunday, October 31 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in Galician language:

Katia. Caso Clínico (Katia. A clinical case).
Mércores, 1 de Outubro de 2014. Terapeuta: Doutora Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45) comprende nesta regresión o motivo dunha renuncia amorosa. Anos atrás ela era libre, mais el non, e era unha figura pública.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks in Galician language.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.Our Galician speakers Internet users can now read the interview given by Doctor Viviana Zenteno and conducted by Terra Networks Chile in their mother tongue. We would like to remind our readers that Doctor Zenteno has been the President of the Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists (ACHTEVIP) and has published up to three books dealing with regressive therapy, being one of these volumes dedicated to learning this technique.

We would like to thank Professor Vicenzo Reboleiro González for his translation into the language of Castelao.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Sunday, October 10th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated into Galician language:

Doutora Viviana Zenteno. As regresións como terapia da alma. Entrevista Terra, 6-5-2010 (Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010).
Entrevista Terra Networks Chile.
Xoves, 6 de Maio de 2010.
A través desta técnica, o pasado mestúrase co presente e actívanse unha serie de feitos que non están no consciente.
Tradución á lingua galega: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for the newspaper «Reforma» in Galician language.

Interview with Doctor José Luís Cabouli for the newspaper «Reforma» in Galician language.

Animated Galician flag.We would like to inform you that we have published in the “Interviews” section of our website, the Galician translation of the interview that was granted to Doctor José Luís Cabouli for the Mexican newspaper “Reforma“. With this version we have already translated into this language the five interviews granted so far to the abovementioned therapist.

Reforma. Logo.We are grateful for the work of the Galician language teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González, who made the reading of these four pages possible in this language. Remember that if you access our website from a cell phone or any other reduced screen device, you can expand and collect the sections that allow access to the different pages by clicking on the “Menu” option.

Website’s team “In body and soul“.
Wednesday September 8th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Here is the link to the interview available in Galician language:

Entrevista ao Doutor José Luís Cabouli no xornal Reforma, México DF (Interview to Dr. José Luis Cabouli by newspaper Reforma, Mexico DF).
por Natalia Vitela, México, 26 de Agosto de 2006.
Algunha vez experimentou que o que pensa, di e actúa non é vostede e que o fai motivado por unha vontade allea á súa? Se é así non descarte a posibilidade de estar «posuído» (…).
Tradución: Vicenzo Reboleiro González.