Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno presenting the book «El Alma Sabe» («Soul knows»).We are pleased to inform you that we have created the page where you can consult the description of all Dr. Viviana Zenteno’s literature, including the synopses of her three books in Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Italian languages.

We are particularly grateful to Dr. Viviana Zenteno for her collaboration in providing us with the technical data of her work, we believe that by doing so both therapists and patients as well as scholars of the reincarnation subject, will better understand the reality behind this exciting topic which was named after the same author: Soul Therapies.

We are also grateful for the good work of the translator and therapist Loto Perrella in providing us with the translations of each book’s descriptions into English, French and Italian languages, versions in which the books were not yet available.

«In body and Soul» website team.
Saturday, 17th April of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

English animated flag.

Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography.

Catalan animated flag.

Bibliografia de la Doctora Viviana Zenteno.

Castillian animated flag.

Bibliografía de la Doctora Viviana Zenteno.

French animated flag.

Bibliographie du Docteur Viviana Zenteno.

Italian animated flag.

Bibliografia della Dottoressa Viviana Zenteno.

Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007.

Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007.

New Visions Magazine. Cover.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» Doctor Brian Weiss Interview for Dawn Light, which can be found in the Interviews section.

This is the complete one hour interview held on Tuesday, December 25, 2007; an excerpt of this interview appeared in the September-October 2007 issue of the «New Visions Magazine».

We are grateful for the work of the translator and therapist Loto Perrella who has provided the Spanish, French and Italian versions of the original english text. This document has also been published in Catalan language.

«In body and Soul» website’s Team.
Tuesday, March 9th of 2021.

It follows the links to the different available versions of the interview:

English animated flag.English:

Dawn of a New Day. Brian Weiss Interview. 2007.
Dawn Light. Tuesday, December 25th 2007.
This is the complete one hour interview I did with Brian Weiss. An excerpt of this interview appeared in the September/October 2007 issue of New Visions Magazine.

Catalan animated flag.Català:

Albada d’un Nou Dia. Entrevista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light (Llum de l’Albada). Dimarts, 25 de desembre del 2007.
Aquesta és l’entrevista completa, d’una hora de duració, que li vaig fer a Brian Weiss al 2007, de la qual se’n va publicar un estracte en el número de setembre/octubre de la revista New Visions Magazine.

Castillian animated flag.Castellano:

Amanecer de un Nuevo Día. Entrevista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light (Luz del Alba). Martes, 25 de Diciembre de 2007.
Aquí está la entrevista completa de una hora que le hice a Brian Weiss. Un extracto de esta entrevista se publicó en el número de Septiembre/Octubre de 2007 de la revista New Visions Magazine.
Traducción respecto la versión original inglesa: Loto Perrella.

French animated flag.Français :

Le Lever d’un Nouveau Jour. Une interview à Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light ( Lumière de l’aube ). Mardi 25 décembre 2007.
Celle-ci est l’interview complète d’une heure que j’ai eue avec Brian Weiss. Un extrait de cette interview est apparu dans le numéro de Septembre-Octobre 2007 du New Visions Magazine.
Traduction respecte la version originale anglaise : Loto Perrella.

Italian animated flag.Italiano:

Lo Spuntare di un Nuovo Giorno. Intervista a Brian Weiss. 2007.
Dawn Light (Luce dell’alba). Martedì 25 dicembre 2007.
Abbiamo qui l’intervista completa di un’ora che ho fatto a Brian Weiss. Nel numero di settembre/ottobre 2007 della rivista New Visions Magazine abbiamo pubblicato un riassunto di questa intervista.
Traduzione dalla versione inglese originale: Loto Perrella.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno for Terra Networks and Katia’s Case in French language.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno for Terra Networks and Katia’s Case in French language.

French animated flag.French-speaking Internet users can now read Terra Networks website’s interview with Dr. Viviana Zenteno and the Katia’s Case regression conducted by the same therapist.

Animated flag of the France Island.We are grateful to Dr. Zenteno for her efforts as well as to translator Loto Perrella for the French translation.

«In body and Soul» Website’s Team.
Friday, 8th January of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview in French language:

Docteur Viviana Zenteno. Les régressions comme thérapie de l’âme ( Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010 ). Interview de Terra, 6.5.2010.
Interview de Terra Networks Chile. Par : Carmen Luz Heredia.
Jeudi, le 6 mai 2010.
Avec cette technique le passé se mêle avec le présent et on active une série de faits qui ne sont pas dans le conscient.
Traduction : Loto Perrella.

Translated case link to French:

Katia. Un cas clinique ( Katia. A clinical case ).
Mercredi, 1 octobre 2014. Thérapeute : Docteur Viviana Zenteno.
Dans cette régression Katia (45) comprend la raison d’une renonciation amoureuse. Il y a des années elle était libre, mais lui ne l’était pas, et il était un personnage publique.
Traduction : Loto Perrella.

Interview with Brian Weiss for the magazine Athanor in French language.

Interview with Brian Weiss for the magazine Athanor in French language.

French animated flag.We have available to all French-speaking Internet users the interview with Dr. Brian Weiss in the journal «Athanor», which was published in issue 35, September-October 2002, between pages 15 and 18.

Animated Island of France flag.We are grateful to the translator Loto Perrella as well as to the rest of the team of this publication for collaborating and providing us with all the facilities to recover and reproduce the original text and its images.

Athanor. A door to the new paradigm. Logo.The interview translated into Rousseau’s language, reviews Dr. Weiss’s unique journey in Past Life Therapy through his first five books on the subject, beginning with his encounter with Katherine, the first of his patients to be treated with this technique.

«In Body and Soul» website’s team.
Sunday, 22nd of December of 2020.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview translated to French:

Le retour à la paix. Une interview à Brian Weiss (Return to peace. An interview with Brian Weiss).
Magazine Athanor. No. 35, septembre-octobre 2002. Pages 15-18.
Interviewer: Josep Agustín. Interprète: Loto Perrella. Photographe: Natalia Campoy.
Comment être en paix avec soi même, et, de ce fait, avec tout, est peut-être la formule magique la plus cherchée depuis toujours par l’être humain. Le Dr. Brian Weiss nous recevait dans son hôtel, et pendant toute l’interview nous nous sentîmes dans une atmosphère tranquille, accompagnés par la bonne humeur et la qualité gentille de cette personne (…).
Traduction : Loto Perrella.