Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in German language.

Interview with Doctor Cabouli by La Vanguardia in German language.

Animated German flag.German-speaking Internet users can now access the interview that the journalist Lluis Amiguet of La Vanguardia, in the section La Contra, gave to Doctor José Luís Cabouli.

In this interview, the therapist explained to us that regression therapy is performed based on some kind of symptom that could have been triggered by an event that took place in the past of the soul, maybe in a previous life. We are thankful to the translator for the transcription of the interview into German.

Website’s team “In body and Soul“.
Thursday, May 19, 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview in German language:

José Luis Cabouli: „Dein Ego kann die ganze Wahrheit nicht ertragen“ (José Luis Cabouli: “Your ego cannot bear the whole truth”).
La Vanguardia. Samstag, 23. August 2003. Die Rückseite.
Ich bin 52 Jahre alt. Ich bin in Buenos Aires geboren. Ich war Schönheitschirurg, aber einer von denen, die nicht reich werden, und heute bin ich Regressionsstherapeut. Ich habe einen 10 Monate alten und einen 20-jährigen Sohn. Ich glaube, dass wir in diesem Leben Fehler aus früheren Leben mit Liebe beseitigen müssen, und von schrecklichen Traumata, an die sich unser Gewissen erinnert, befreien müssen (…).

Interview of newspaper Reforma to Doctor Cabouli in German.

Interview of newspaper Reforma to Doctor Cabouli in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that we already have translated into German the interview granted by Dr. José Luis Cabouli to the Mexican newspaper Reforma.

This interview introduces the reader into the Therapy of Spiritual Possession (TSP), where one or more entities inhabit the ethereal body of a patient during regression. The writing submits a list of possible symptoms of this situation. We give thanks to the person who has done the translation.

Team of the website In body and soul.
Thursday, May 5th, 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

Interview mit Doktor José Luis Cabouli in der Zeitung Reforma, Mexiko-Stadt (Interview to Doctor José Luis Cabouli by newspaper Reforma, Mexico DF).
von Natalia Vitela, Mexiko, 26. August 2006.
Haben Sie schon einmal die Erfahrung gemacht, dass derjenige, der denkt, sagt und handelt, nicht Sie sind und von einem fremden Willen motiviert wird? Wenn ja, schließen Sie die Möglichkeit „bessesen“ zu sein nicht aus (…).

Newspaper La Verdad interviews Doctor Cabouli in German.

Newspaper La Verdad interviews Doctor Cabouli in German.

Animated German flag.We inform you that we already have available in German the interview made by the Murcia newspaper La Verdad to Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

This interview reminds us of the fact, which is rather common, of a soul trying to be born on several occasions from the same mother, until it gets a successful opportunity. We give our thanks to the translator.

Team of the website In body and soul.
Wednesday, 6th April 2022.
Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Link to the German translation:

José Luis Cabouli: „Es gibt Fälle von Menschen mit der Seele verstorbener Brüder“ (José Luis Cabouli: “There are cases of people who have the soul of a dead brother”).
La Verdad (Die Wahrheit). Freitag, 25. Mai 2012.
Der Experte wendet eine Technik der Regression in vergangene Leben an, um Konflikte und psychische Probleme seiner Patienten zu lösen (…)“.

Quotes from scholars in German language.

Quotes from scholars in German language.

Animated German flag.We are pleased to inform you that we have at the disposal of the readers of Goethe’s language the story of Doctor Brian Weiss where souls of different scholars deliver their messages through the vocal cords of patients in a regression state.

In this mention the messages deal with individual and collective karma, goals in the present incarnation, fame and forgiveness. We would like to thank all the people who made possible the availability of the completed webpage.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Sunday, March 20 of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the webpage in german language:

Arten des Karma, Gruppenkarma, Ruhm, Ziel und Vergebung. Zitate der Weisen (Sorts of karma, collective karma, fame, target and forgiveness. Quotations by scholars).
Durch den Körper der von Doktor Brian Weiss unter hypnotische Regression gesetzten Patienten kann man nicht nur Zugang zur Vergangenheit seiner Seele auf der Suche nach einem traumatischen Erlebniss haben, sondern Seelen von verschiedenen Weisen oder Meistern können Einfluss haben, um dem Therapeuten Erklärungen zur geistigen Evolution zu übermitteln (…).
Doktor Brian Weiss. Die Liebe kennt keine Zeit: Die wahre Geschichte zweier wiedervereinter Seelen. Seiten 120 bis 123.

Availability of the German and Galician Mailing Lists webpage.

Availability of the German and Galician Mailing Lists webpage.

Mailing List.Our website «In body and Soul», dedicated to publicizing the so-called soul therapies, has a Mailing List system so you can receive the latest news in your email address.

There is a page within our website that allows you to manage the registration and cancellation of emails, as well as changes in the listing preferences. Submissions can currently be received in three languages: Galician, spanish and english

The Mailing List page is also available in German and Galician tongues. We are grateful for the collaboration of the people who have made these translations possible, among which we would like to mention the Galician Language Teacher Vicenzo Reboleiro González.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Thursday, March 10th of 2022.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Links to the again available webpage’s versions:

Animated German flag.Deutsch:

Mailinglisten der Webseite „In Körper und Seele“.
Wir stellen Ihne einen Messenger-Service mit dem “PHP List” System zur Verfügung, um Ihnen die Neuigkeiten der Webseite “In Körper und Seele” mitteilen zu können. Die Mitteilungen beziehen sich auf die spirituelle Entwicklung durch die Reinkarnation mit Hilfe von Zeugenberichten sowie den Praktizierenden der Therapie der vergangenen Leben (TVL) und der Therapie der geistigen Besessenheit. Die grundlegende Definition unserer Ziele ist über diesen Link einzusehen (…)“.

Animated Galician flag.Galego:

Listas de correo do sitio web «En cuerpo y alma».
«Temos á vosa disposición un servizo de mensaxería, mediante o sistema “PHP List”, para darvos a coñecer as novidades do sitio web “En cuerpo y alma”. As noticias están relacionadas coa evolución espiritual mediante a reencarnación coa axuda das testemuñas, como os dos practicantes da Terapia de Vidas Pasadas (TVP) e a Terapia da Posesión Espiritual (TPE). A definición fundacional dos nosos obxectivos está determinada nesta ligazón (…)».

Bibliography of Doctor Viviana Zenteno in German language.

Bibliography of Doctor Viviana Zenteno in German language.

Animated German flag.We have available the bibliography of Doctor Viviana Zenteno in the language of Günter Grass, including the introductory synopsis of each of her books translated from the original volumes in Spanish language.

Although none of her books have yet been translated into German language, it is our wish that the work of soul therapists can be published into as many languages as possible.

«In body and soul» website’s team.
Thursday, November 11 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in German language:

Bibliographie von Doktor Viviana Zenteno (Doctor Viviana Zenteno’s Bibliography).

Bibliography of Doctor José Luís Cabouli in German language.

Bibliography of Doctor José Luís Cabouli in German language.

Animated German flag.Internet users who use Goethe’s language already have at their disposal the page that contains the description of the current bibliography of Doctor José Luís Cabouli, with the synopsis of each of his books, based on his volumes currently published in the original Spanish language.

In body and soulwebsite’s team.
Saturday, October 30 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the page in German language:

Bibliographie von Doktor José Luis Cabouli (Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s Bibliography).

A misscarriage witness. German language texted infographic.

A misscarriage witness. German language texted infographic.

Animated German flag.We have available to German-speaking Internet users the page which includes the text of the infographic of a patient who had lost her baby while pregnant due to an accident.

This is a case of Spiritual Possession Therapy (TPE) illustrated by this infographic, which shows the aura of the person being treated and an embedded entity at the time of capturing the image. In this case, thanks to both the graphic document and the patient’s account, the therapist may have a much more accurate picture of the situation which increases the chances for the case resolution.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Thursday, September 23 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the available page in German language:

Fall einer Fehlgeburt. Therapie der Geisterbesessenheit (A case of abortion. Spiritual possession therapy).
«Die BEG (Bioelektrographie) bezieht sich auf eine 35-jährige Frau, die aufgrund eines Unfalls nach 3 Monaten Schwangerschaft eine Fehlgeburt hatte. Diese Frau war von Angst und Schuldgefühl befallen, da der Unfall durch ihre Unvorsichtigkeit verursacht worden war. Die BEG wurde während der Regressionssitzung erstellt, genau in dem Moment, als die Patientin folgendes ausdrückte: „In diesem Moment fühle ich, dass das Baby in meinem Kopf ist“ (…)».
Abbildung der BEG: Raúl Torres. Aus dem Buch von Doktor José Luís Cabouli. Terapia de la posesión espiritual. Técnica y práctica clínica (Therapie der Geisterbesessenheit. Technik und klinische Praxis). Verlag Índigo. Seite 397.

Amy’s Witness in German language.

Amy’s Witness in German language.

Animated German flag.We have translated into German language Amy’s Witness (Zeugnisaussage von Amy) from Doctor Michael Newton in the Appointments and testimonials section of our website (Termine und Zeugen).

We recall that this case describes the suicide of a patient in her previous life as the result of the fear of becoming a single mother in the Victorian England. The patient sees, in the period between two lives, different alternatives to her decision, some of them better than the one she foresaw as the unique and more painful. We thank Nina Piulats for translating the heading text.

Website’s team «In body and soul».
Wednesday, September 1st of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

The link to the page where the German translation can be found is:

Zeugnisaussage von Amy. Fall von Selbstmord und die Bibliothek der Bücher über das Leben (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books).
Nachfolgend, die Geschichte einer der Patientinnen von Doktor Michael Newton, hier Amy genannt. Amy belebt ein vergangenes Leben wieder; in diesem Leben begeht sie Selbstmord, ist ledig und schwanger, und verliert ihren Lebenspartner in einem Unfall im viktorianischen England. Ihre Seele stagniert um die ca. 100 Jahre, in denen sie sich über ihre Taten besinnt, bis sie Zugang zu der Bibliothek der Bücher des Lebens hat. Dort tritt sie in Kontakt mit der Seele einer der Bibliothekaren, ein Meister und Experte, welcher ihr auf ihrem sprirituellen Weg weiter hilft (…).
Doktor Michael Newton. Die Abenteuer der Seelen. Neue Fallstudien zum Leben zwischen den Leben. Seiten 145 bis 150.
Übersetzung der Überschrift: Nina Piulats.

Evelyn’s evidence in German language.

Evelyn’s evidence in German language.

Animated German flag.We already have at the disposal of German-speaking Internet users the Evelyn’s evidence caseZeugnisaussage von Evelyn ), in the Appointments and Testimonials sectionTermine und Zeugen ), thanks to the collaboration of Nina Piulats Finger, who has translated the article’s heading and of translator Alexandra Forst, who has corrected both the heading and the main body text of Doctor Brian Weiss’ case himself. We’d like to express our deepest gratitude, which is also reflected on the website’s Thanks section in all the currently available languages .

With this translation, Evelyn’s evidence case is now available in nine out of the ten current available languages of our website. Remember that, apart from the entries appearing in chronological order, this website is made up of pages accessible from the different menu sections. These pages contain the most substantial part of the content of our website. By clicking on each respective flag you will be able to access the version of the page in the selected language, as long as the page is available.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Saturday, February 6 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Access link to the webpage in German language:

Individuen anderer Konditionen respektieren. Zeugnisaussage von Evelyn (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Dieser Fall von Doktor Brian Weiss bezieht sich auf eine Patientin, hier Evelyn genannt, bei dem die Notwendigkeit, fremde Gruppen respektieren zu lernen, deutlich wird.
Doktor Brian Weiss. Seelenwege: Reinkarnation und zukünftige Lebenswege (Same Soul, Many Bodies). Seiten 57 bis 63.
Korrektur: Alexandra Forst. Übersetzung der Überschrift: Nina Piulats.