II International Symposium of Regression Therapy. A posteriori Registration.
and III Congress of the Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR) 2022.
A posteriori registration.
(For persons who have not enrolled previously. It will allow seeing the videos registered during the Symposium).
Dear Lecturers and Members of the audience which we have just carried out,
I wish to thank in the name of AETR the lecturers which so liberally have contributed with their work to this Symposium taking place.
They have been:
Dr. José Luis Cabouli.
Andy Tomlinson, B.A.
Marion Boon, B.A.
Dr. Juan José López Martínez.
Carlos González Delgado, B.A.
Jorge Luis Micheli, B.A.
Leopoldo Ceballos del Castillo, B.A.
Dr. Sonia Andrés Espallardo.
Heike Bettendorf, B.A.
Dr. Laura Cristina Mejía.
Therapist Jusús María Carrizo.
I also wish to thank all the persons who have enrolled for their generous donations, thanks to which it has been possible for this event to take place.
We open now a new period so that those persons who were not able to enrol to the Symposium may now do so, so as to be able to see the videos which were registered during the event.
AETR is a non-profit Association which is supported by the fees paid by its members, for this reason we ask all the persons who decide to enrol a posteriori, in order to see all the videos registered during the Symposium, to make a responsible donation to allow us to face the expenses which go with the celebration of such activities and in order to carry on with our Association’s mission.
Both those who enrolled before the Symposium and those who decide to enrol later, will receive within the next few days a private link to YouTube which will allow them to watch all the videos.
Should there be any difficulty, please get in touch with the person in charge of Technological matters, Mr. José Antonio Delgado, at the following address:
If you want to help and transmit this information to interested persons, please send the following image through WhatsApp or through your social network:

with our best regards and the greatest Blessings of Life.
Malaga, Saturday, July 2nd, 2022.
Carlos González Delgado.
President of Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR).
Your may see the interview granted by Carlos González Delgado to Mónica López for the programme Mijas Hoy:

Interview by Mónica López for the programme “Mijas Hoy” to psychologist Carlos González Delgado on occasion of the third gathering of the Asociación Española de Terapia Regresiva (AETR) and the Second International Symposium of Regression Therapy, held on the 24th, 25th, and 26th June 2022. It also introduces the new book “El alma sin velo”, the first to be published by AETR.
Speakers: Mónica López and Carlos González Delgado. Time 13 minutes 2 seconds. Language: Spanish.
Link to the original programme:
Link to unload video of the interview:
Link to send donations for the holding of this and other similar events: