Intensive online and on-site seminar “The wounded feminine”. 20-21-22/5/2022.

Intensive online and on-site seminar “The wounded feminine”. 20-21-22/5/2022.

Intensive online and on-site seminar.

“The wounded feminine”.

Past Lives Therapy.

Delivered by Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Dear souls,

The chosen dates for Doctor José Luis Cabouli’s visit to the headquarters of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy in Malaga are as follows:

May 21, 22 i 23 of 2022.

It is a great opportunity to get to know the work that this professional performs through regression therapy.

The seminar can be attended in person and also online.

Doctor Cabouli will share his experience on the “wounded feminine” in the consciousness of human beings, both in women and men.

In addition, he will perform, live and in person and by drawing lots among the attendees (both in person and online), no more and no less than five regression sessions throughout the weekend.

Don’t miss this opportunity to see a professional with more than 35 years of experience in this field working with this technique.

The seminar will start on Saturday 22 May at 10 am and will end at approximately 8.30 pm or 8.30 pm (two hours break for lunch). On Sunday, we start at the same time and finish at about 2 or 2:30 p.m.

On Friday the 21st, Dr. Cabouli will give a talk for the on-site attendees exclusively.

It is necessary to book in advance for both the talk (which is free) and the seminar (which is not).

Information and bookings:

Cell Phone and Whatsapp (+34) 616 468 958


centro.atma.cartamaA que

Warm greetings and lots of Blessings to your lives.

Cártama (Malaga-Spain), May 16, 2022.

Carlos González Delgado.
President of the Spanish Association of Regression Therapy (AETR).

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Past Life Experiences. The injured feminine

Past Life Experiences. The injured feminine

Live workshop, in presence and online.

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May, 2022.

By Dr. José Luís Cabouli

Conference: Friday 20th at 7 p.m.

Free attendance, prior inscription required.

ATMA Centre at Málaga

Avenida de los Guindos 20, 2nd left

centro.atma.cartamaA que

Post English translation: Loto Perrella.

Past Life Experiences. The injured feminine

14th workshop «Meeting with the soul’s light». Eivissa.

14th workshop «Meeting with the soul’s light». Eivissa.

Doctor José Luis Cabouli.

Wednesday 20th to Sunday 24th of October of 2021.

Once again, Dr. Cabouli will lead this special workshop which consists of five days of inner work with his particular technique on Past Life Therapy. Personal experience integrates regression therapy with healing rituals including the four fundamental elements; fire, air, earth and water. Part of this activity takes place in archetypal locations in Ibiza. Inner work includes, among other experiences, the recovery of soul fragments, the cleansing of curses and the annulment of covenants, promises, and oaths. Each person is worked individually accompanied by group energy so the maximum contingent for this workshop is twelve people.

Location: Ca Fuster, Sant Joan de Labritja, Eivissa.

Ca Fuster is a typical Eivissan house. It consists of only nine rooms; for this reason the accommodation is in a shared room. The property has a swimming pool and free wifi.

Fee: 1200 €.

The fee includes accommodation with full board from Wednesday noon until Sunday lunch (paella made by homeowners). It also includes transfers to and from Ibiza Airport and Ca Fuster as well as travel within the island to carry out the various planned activities.

In order to confirm your reservation it is necessary to pay 50% of the fee (it can be in a single payment or in two). The rest is paid before the start of the workshop.

Eivissa 1.

Eivissa 2.

Eivissa 3.

Information and reservations: Joana Alenyà Mateu.

Whatsapp: +34 606.204.308




Experiential workshop in Eivissa: «Meeting with the soul’s light».

(Created in 2007).

Out of the world, out of time, in another dimension …

According to Vicente Valero, an Eivissan poet, an island is the purest expression of solitude and beauty and is also a symbol of the most perfect possible inner world. An island is and has always been an expectation for the human imagination, something resembling a dream or a promise of youth.

Eivissa is the magical and accessible island where I have found the ideal setting for a unique workshop to capture the experience gained in twenty-five years of development of PLT.

This special workshop consists of five days of in-depth inner work focused on achieving the encounter with the soul’s light. The central work is based on regressions on each of the attendees with my already known technique combined with healing rituals. In these rituals the four fundamental elements are present; fire, air, earth and water. The whole workshop itself is a sacred ritual behind harmony, joy and inner serenity. We also work with the recovery of the soul, the cleansing of curses and the annulment of covenants, promises and oaths.

Since 2007 we have been holding this “Encounter with the Soul’s light” in Ca Fuster, a typical Eivissan house located two hundred meters from the village of Sant Joan de Labritja. The house consists of only nine rooms with all the necessary comfort which ensures the absolute privacy of work. In addition to the swimming pool, the estate has 60,000 m2 of land planted with almond trees, centuries-old olive trees and other fruit trees. The best beaches in the north of Ibiza are just fifteen minutes from the site which allows us to work also by the sea.

Given the characteristics of this workshop the maximum contingent is twelve people and I can only carry out one per year, always in the last week of October.

I look forward to seeing you in October because together we are going to meet the soul’s light.

Link to the general description of the workshop on the original website:

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.