Second International Conference on Past Lives Therapy. Program.
Free, via “Zoom“.
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Saturday, September 10 2022.
Mexico Time Zone:
10 h. Lili Bosnic, conference opening from MX.
10 h. 15′. Graduate Carlos González Delgado (ES). “A journey through imagination“.
12 h. 10′. Break.
12 h. 10′. Cristina Oliva (ES). “Knowing yourself through PLT“.
13 h. 10′. Doctor José Luís Cabouli (ARG-CAT). “35 years of Past Lives Therapy“.
14 h. 10′. Lunch break.
15 h. 30′. Antonio Sangio (PE-USA). “Symptomatology of the soul“.
16 h. 30′. Nacho Romón (ES). “Miracles in Past Lives Therapy, the therapy of the soul“.
17 h. 30′. 10 min break.
17 h. 40′. Lili Bosnic (ARG-MX). “Blockage, confusion and a leap into the void“.
18 h. 40′. Nacho Blasco (ES). “Mortal consciousness“.
19 h. 40′. Day closure.
Sunday, September 11 2022.
10 h. Lili Bosnic, day opening from MX.
10 h. 5′. Doctor Juan José López Martínez (ES). “Nobody dies in solitude“.
11 h. Graduate Julia M. Boreni (ARG). “Intrauterine life. Conception, gestation and birth from the PLT experience“.
12 h. 10 minutes break.
12 h. 10′. Graduate Marcelo Beloqui (ARG). “PLT and energies from another dimension“.
13 h. 10′. Doctor Bibiana Bistrich (ARG-IT). “Promises, the value of the word“.
14 h. 10′. Lunch break.
15 h. 30′. Doctor Viviana Zenteno (CL). “Space or dimension between lives“.
16 h. 30′. Conference closure with all participating speakers.
Lili Bosnic.
Growing together.
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Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.