Amy’s evidence in Basque language.

Amy’s evidence in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the Amy’s evidence case (Amyren testigantza), a case of Doctor Michael Newton published in his book Destiny of Souls (Arimen patua. Betiko hazkunde espiritual bat).

Thanks to Iraide López de Gereñu, we can now dispose of the Basque version of this case accessible from the Appointments and Testimonials section (Hitzorduak eta testigantzak) among the other published languages.

This is the case of a woman who committed suicide being pregnant and unmarried by her boyfriend, who died in an accident. Thanks to the regression carried out in the following life, she became aware that in the period between her two previous lives she had the occasion to access the library of Life Books, where she learned about at least three alternatives she could have chosen before having given up life, two of which were better and more hopeful than the only path she saw as possible back to those days.

«In body and soul» website’s Team.
Friday, January 29 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Amyren testigantza. Suizidio kasua eta Bizitzako Liburuen Liburutegitik bere pasaera (Amy’s evidence. A case of suicide and headway through the library of Life Books).
Ondorengo istorioan, Michael Newton doktorearen gaixo batek, hemen Amyren izena hartzen duena, bere iraganeko bizitzaren berbizipen bat egiten du, non ere buruaz beste egiten duen, bere burua ezkongabe, haurdun eta bikotekidea Ingalaterra Biktorianoan izandako istripu batean galtzen duelako. Bere arima ehun urtez geldirik geratzen da egin zuenari buruz hausnartzera eskainia, Bizitzako Liburuen liburutegira sartzen den arte. Han, liburuzainetako baten arimarekin elkarrizketa bat zabaltzen du, bilakaera espiritualaren bidea jarraitzen laguntzen dion irakasle aditua denarekin.
Michael Newton medikua. Destiny of Souls (Arimen patua. Betiko hazkunde espiritual bat). 93-100 orrialdeak.
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

How does PLT fights emotional blockage?

How does PLT fights emotional blockage?

Phobias, fears, anxiety, depression, blockages, feelings of guilt, emotional or material failures, behavioral disorders, sexual disorders?

All of these and other diseases labeled as psychosomatic can be treated with Past Life Therapy (PLT).

If when faced with a certain situation, an uncontrollable emotional reaction takes over without us being able to control it, it is due to the fact that at an unconscious level our conscious mind is letting go of an experience that was reactivated by analogy with the present situation. These emotions have strong bodily reactions: feelings of suffocation, muscle tension, anxiety, chest tightness, stomach ache, among other symptoms.

Many of the difficulties and emotional conflicts in our lives, as well as physical pain, have their origin in traumatic or painful experiences. These experiences can originate in the womb, childhood, or past existences and are kept in the subconscious mind and become activated when faced with similar situations, unleashing inexplicable and unwanted behaviors, or manifesting as commands that govern our lives.

«PLT allows the unconscious to become conscious and thus release unwanted physical symptoms and behaviors».

Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

PLT's Basic Online Course. 6th edition. 5-6-7 February 2021.

Interview with Dr. Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks and Katia’s Clinical Case in Italian language.

Interview with Dr. Viviana Zenteno by Terra Networks and Katia’s Clinical Case in Italian language.

Animated Italian flag.Italian-speaking Internet users can now read the pages containing the interview with Dr. Viviana Zenteno by the Terra Networks website and Katia’s Clinical Case, conducted by the therapist herself.

Our multilingual humanity is, from the spiritual consciousness perspective, at a level equivalent to that of a kindergarten. To begin the journey leading from kindergarten to doctorate, what can not think of any better alternative than a non exhaustive website like this which aims to introduce the public to the PLT subject at a basic level by translating its content into as many languages as possible. As we increase the number of translations of our website’s pages, we hope to be able to reach a wider public and provide the chance to learn about the so-called soul therapies and the process of soul evolution.

We are grateful to Dr. Zenteno for her collaboration and for facilitating us this task as well as to the translator Loto Perrella for these translations into the language of Giuseppe Verdi.

«In body and Soul» Website’s Team.
Wednesday, January 20 of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview in italian language:

Dott.ssa Viviana Zenteno. Le regressioni come una terapia dell’anima. Intervista Terra, 6.05.2010 (Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010).
Intervista di Terra Networks Chile. Da: Carmen Luz Heredia.
Giovedí, 6 maggio 2010.
Per mezzo di questa tecnica il passato si mescola con il presente e si avviano una serie di fatti che non sono nel cosciente.
Traduzione: Loto Perella.

Link to the Case in italian language:

Katia. Un Caso clinico (Katia. A clinical case).
Mercoledí, 1 ottobre 2014. Terapeuta: Dott.ssa Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45) in questa regressione capisce il motivo di una rinuncia amorosa. Anni indietro lei era libera, ma lui no ed era un personaggio pubblico.
Traduzione: Loto Perella.

Evelyin’s Evidence in Basque language.

Evelyin’s Evidence in Basque language.

Ikurriña.We are pleased to inform you that we have published on the website «In Body and soul» («Gorputzez eta arimaz») the Evelyn’s evidence case (Evelynen adierazpena), a case of Doctor Brian Weiss published in his book Same Soul, Many Bodies (Gorputz asko, arima bera) which is perhaps, the most beautiful case published throughout his books and which includes both regressions to the past and progressions to an hypothetical future, which vary according to the patient’s attitude.

Thanks to Iraide López de Gereñu, we can now dispose of the Basque version of this case accessible from the Appointments and Testimonials section among the other published languages

This testimonial helps us understand the consequences of certain types of behaviour. If we hate people belonging to certain groups or categories, then it is likely that in the next life we are born as someone belonging to this very same specific category. Evelyn experiences a series of hypothetical progressions to the future in this sense, until she is capable of freeing herself from the hate and the rage towards those who do not belong to her own kind.

«In body and Soul» website’s Team.
First Version: Thursday, January 14th of 2021.
Last update: Friday, January 15th of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

It follows the information about the page in Basque language:

Beste baldintzak dituzten pertsonak errespetatu. Evelynen adierazpena (The respect of individuals of other conditions. Evelyn’s evidence).
Kasu honetan Brian Weiss doktorearen gaixo batena da, Evelyn izena duen emakumea, kasu honetan talde desberdin bateko jendea errespetatzen ikasten hasteko beharra agertzen da.
Brian Weiss medikua. Same Soul, Many Bodies (Gorputz asko, arima bera).
Itzulpena: Iraide López de Gereñu.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno for Terra Networks and Katia’s Case in French language.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno for Terra Networks and Katia’s Case in French language.

French animated flag.French-speaking Internet users can now read Terra Networks website’s interview with Dr. Viviana Zenteno and the Katia’s Case regression conducted by the same therapist.

Animated flag of the France Island.We are grateful to Dr. Zenteno for her efforts as well as to translator Loto Perrella for the French translation.

«In body and Soul» Website’s Team.
Friday, 8th January of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview in French language:

Docteur Viviana Zenteno. Les régressions comme thérapie de l’âme ( Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010 ). Interview de Terra, 6.5.2010.
Interview de Terra Networks Chile. Par : Carmen Luz Heredia.
Jeudi, le 6 mai 2010.
Avec cette technique le passé se mêle avec le présent et on active une série de faits qui ne sont pas dans le conscient.
Traduction : Loto Perrella.

Translated case link to French:

Katia. Un cas clinique ( Katia. A clinical case ).
Mercredi, 1 octobre 2014. Thérapeute : Docteur Viviana Zenteno.
Dans cette régression Katia (45) comprend la raison d’une renonciation amoureuse. Il y a des années elle était libre, mais lui ne l’était pas, et il était un personnage publique.
Traduction : Loto Perrella.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno for Terra Networks and Katia’s Case in English language.

Interview with Doctor Viviana Zenteno for Terra Networks and Katia’s Case in English language.

Animated English flag.English speaking Internet users can now read Terra Networks website’s interview with Dr. Viviana Zenteno published on Thursday the 6th of May of 2010 and the Katia’s Case regression conducted by the same therapist on Wednesday 1st of October of 2014.

We are grateful to Dr. Zenteno for allowing our website to use and translate these two documents as well as to translator Loto Perrella for the corresponding translations into english language. Also an special mention to Núria Comas Viladrich, who has been a pioneer in this translation work and has now given way to Lotto Perrella to eventually carry on with the task, even though she is still helping us with the translation of the website’s entries and messages

Animated Chilean flag.It has been possible to publish and translate these two documents on our website thanks to the goodwill established within the Chilean Association of Past Life Therapists and Dr Viviana Zenteno’s Academy of Regressive Therapy. Fraternal hugs to all practitioners of soul therapy from Chile who thus see an increased echo of their work.

«In body and Soul» website’s Team.
Thursday, 7th of January of 2021.
Post English translation: Núria Comas Viladrich.

Link to the interview in English language:

Doctor Viviana Zenteno. Regressions as a soul therapy. Interview by Terra, May 6, 2010.
An interview by Terra Networks Chile. By: Carmen Luz Heredia.
Thursday, May 6, 2010.
In this technique the past mixes with the present and a number of facts are activated, which are not in the person’s conscience.
Translation: Loto Perrella.

Translated case link to English language:

Katia. A clinical case.
Wednesday, October 1st, 2014. Therapist: Doctor Viviana Zenteno.
Katia (45) understands in this regression the reason of the giving up of love. Years back she was free, but he wasn’t, and besides he was a public person.
Translation: Loto Perrella.